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Registered on:7/30/2010
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[quote]I mentioned not a word about anyone named Trump. [/quote] A) my post was a message to the thread as a whole so don’t get your panties in a twist B) don’t be an obtuse twat. ...
[quote]The blatant disregard for law is so palpable it almost seems like there may be some dirt on the judge if any verdict other than guilty is returned. Perhaps Trump's attorneys should start kicking over rocks to find said dirt.[/quote] Pretty sure he was the one sending pictures of his bare c...
So we care about who Don Jr chooses to bang now? Trump opened up a new wing in your head it would appear. I’m assuming it’s under the same terms as the last years lease? Free. ...
Welp I’m convinced. Sounds like no reason to be bailing them out from under their student loans. ...
Most are stupid kids with the attention span of a goldfish. In two months they’ll be on to something else. ...
If they were so smart and hardworking they’d start their own business and get paid way more. I think they do it for the prestige and the lifestyle and the money is just a way to measure your dick. ...
I’m convinced they took down the mob so they could steal their business model. ...
[quote]Government should stay out of all medical decisions between doctor and patient.[/quote] Guaranteed you advocate for and vote for people who want single payer healthcare. You’ll say and do anything for more power. ...
What a fricking weasely answer. What’s the point of a fricking government if it can’t protect the most vulnerable humans on earth? Leave it out of the hands of government??? You’re running for president you retard!...

re: Points to Ponder

Posted by Robin Masters on 5/9/24 at 7:57 pm
Ironic that the state with the most stringent anti-cancer laws has the worst cancer mortality in the country. [link=(https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/rankings-and-ratings/states-ranked-by-cancer-death-rates-2.html)]Cali [/link]...
[quote]But I believe one lawyer and one individual to vote not guilty.[/quote] If they can get one lawyer then that could sway several more i would think. ...
[quote]mpant inflation driving people into deeper debt. Illegals driving down wages and increasing unemployment within legal citizens ranks. He'll yeah, vote FJB [/quote] Not to mention taking much of the affordable housing and driving prices even higher. ...
So wages have been suppressed thanks to illegals? I’m sure that will go over well with voters. ...
[quote]Powell and Wood behaved like they did because they are both certifiably insan[/quote] Yet your entire theory rests on their good faith attempts to prove fraud. Calling them insane doesn’t help your claims. ...
[quote]I think we’re done here. This is a new level of conspiracy theory stupidity.[/quote] Naive much? ...
[quote] Your post made no logical sense. If Block found one percentage of actual evidence Trump would be screaming about it from the rooftops. You insinuated that he may have or could have found some fraud but we know if he did that Trump wouldn’t be able to not ‘tweet’ about it.[/quote] Or he fo...
[quote]Trump has evidence from this investigation and hasn’t released it yet? [/quote] I never said this so not sure why you need to straw man? Oh wait, I do know why you need to straw man. But I digress, your entire proof of no fraud is someone who seems to indicate there was in fact actual f...
[quote]Not only did he not find it he paid 1.5 million to not find it. I'd call that incompetent. Wouldn't you?[/quote] I don’t know and neither do you. Perhaps he was paid twice that amount to lose it. Regardless why do you think an incompetent could prove fraud didn’t occur? And he very clea...
[quote]I mean there is ample evidence of this. Same for Biden. They are both old incompetent cognitively declining unhealthy fools. They are almost 80 for heaven sake!!![/quote] Well you just imploded your entire argument that because Trump didn’t find fraud then none exists. As I said, congrats...
[quote]He investigated specifically what Trump asked him to. So did the other firm. You can't blame that on me. Whose fault is it then? I know it can't be Trump's because in your world he has never done anything wring, illegal, or even made a mistake. He did exactly what Trump asked and reported th...