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And they're moving jobs to Mexico....

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by Quidam65 on 7/23/24 at 12:31 pm
Her "pole numbers" are probably off the charts. Her "poll numbers" are absolutely terrible....
"Assistant Teaching Professor" = no tenure, so she's probably screwed herself out of a job....
It wasn't that tweet. It was a piece in the Baptist Press that mentioned where Leatherwood commended Biden for dropping out. The headline reads that Biden dropped out and endorsed Harris (true), which has been misread to imply that Leatherwood endorsed Harris (false). [link=(https://www.bapti...
I read the piece by Leatherwood, and it doesn't even MENTION Harris, much less support her. He only said that it was the right decision for Biden to step out of the race (something that a supermajority of this board supports, though many wish he would go one step further and resign completely), b...
Avoid any location of Drivers Edge or Christian Brothers. Both of them said nothing was wrong with my SO's car. Found out it had a cracked engine block....
It means Ezekiel Elliott aka Feed Me is back with the Dallas Cowboys....
[quote]p.s. and if Biden really molested his daughter in the shower he'd better repent as it sounds like the Dems have sent him off to meet his Maker.[/quote] If he is dead, and didn't repent before then, it's too late now. It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that the judgment. Heb...
[quote]If he passes, it will be from a broken heart.[/quote] I thought President Carter would have already died of a broken heart by now after Rosalyn's passing. He's holding out to get to 100, then he will rejoin her in eternity....
[quote]If she's going to the beach house, wouldn't it be quicker and more direct to just drive?[/quote] If he is dead or dying, then AF2 would become AF1 when she ascends to the office of POTUS. And the plane would bring back his remains to lie in state....
[quote]Would be interesting to lose the worst 2 presidents of the last 100 years on the same day.[/quote] And if so, that would not be the first time. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day. (Adams famous last words - "Thomas Jefferson survives" - turned out to be wrong; Jefferson...
[quote]Can’t accept Twitter as a proper legal response.[/quote] All he did - or is claimed of doing - is drop out of the race. He didn't have to use official White House letterhead and his formal signature to do that. Were he to invoke the 25th on his own accord (Section 3) or claim "healing"...
[quote]I would mourn the loss of a United States President because I'm an American first.[/quote] And we may lose two. I wonder if President Carter is hanging on solely to become the first former President to reach age 100 (if he manages to get to October 1, he will accomplish that feat)....
Salmon sperm injected into her face. Human sperm injected into other orifices....
Or the most famous of all: La-a (remember, the dash don't be silent)...
Does Beshear have to resign in order to run for VPOTUS? Or can he run, and resign only if somehow, he wins?...
Because Congress cannot invoke the 25th Amendment. Under Section 4, only the VPOTUS and a majority (8/15) of the Cabinet Secretaries can involuntarily declare the POTUS "disabled". Then, if the POTUS declares "disability removed", only if VPOTUS and a majority of the Cabinet Secretaries disagree...
[quote]Mental illness.[/quote] There MAY be a component of that. But I know people with mental illness who don't go into that stuff. I would say pure evil....

re: Has anyone seen Biden?

Posted by Quidam65 on 7/22/24 at 12:45 pm
What was that song from the 80's? "Things That Make You Go Hmm"?...