Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Number of Posts:13
Registered on:4/6/2010
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re: Vick = MVP?

Posted by PFflyers on 11/16/10 at 2:30 am
I don't know why some people think manning is a lock for mvp. His stats don't seem overly impressive. I feel that if you are going to say manning is the front runner, you also have to include Tom Brady. Brady (7-2 team record I believe) has 17 TDs to 4 Ints compared to Manning's 16/4 (Manning has mo...

re: Bruschi

Posted by PFflyers on 8/7/10 at 4:50 am
[quote]I would lose all respect for favre if he pulled some shite like that. what kind of competitor would do some shite like that? hard to believe a tough player like bruschi would say some shite like that. how stupid.[/quote] I think Bruschi indirectly complemented the saints by saying we destroye...
[link=(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXRqyjzyBRg)]Calvin Johnson - The Catch[/link] [link=(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2Cg7w_8kkU)]720 or 540 or whatever.. its still pretty sick[/link] ...
TOP 5 IMO 1. Avatar: The Last Airbender (I know it doesn't have the "classic" factor but still a great series.) 2. Dragonball Z 3. Doug 4. Rugrats 5. A tie between a lot of other cartoons (TMNT, Hey Arnold, Tom and Jerry, Rocket Power, Looney Toons classics, Scooby Doo, Ronin Warriors, Futura...

re: So are we just crowning the Heat?

Posted by PFflyers on 7/10/10 at 2:24 am
The Heat are not done signing players yet. Even though they do not have much cap room, quality players will sign with them. They already have talks about them signing Haslem, who is a hustle player that rebounds well and plays solid defense. Lebron and Wade are good rebounders in respect to their po...
[quote]I am saying what I said on another thread. Lebron pussied out. It's not that he did anything wrong, but he just pussied out...and to an extent so did Wade and Bosh. The dude knew he couldn't beat that duo on South Beach, and rather than lace em' up, he decided to join them. Wade has ...
71 - 11 im good as long as they dont break the bulls 72 - 10 record :cheers:...

re: Lebron James is a Coward

Posted by PFflyers on 7/9/10 at 3:48 am
[quote]Yeah, because shaq wasn't 2 years removed from an MVP. Wade didn't have any help whatsoever for his Championship. Wade ONeal Mourning Antoine Walker James Posey gary Payton Derek Anderson You haters act as if Wade carried that team. [/quote] He did carry them against the Mavs in the fi...

re: This is a Finals MVP

Posted by PFflyers on 6/18/10 at 3:31 pm
[quote]Next year Kobe can match Jordan with two threepets. If he wins one more after that along with two other finals apperances he eclipses Jordan. I know MJ jizz drinkers with argue otherwise but seven championships with four coming without Shaq means alot. Michael never won without Scottie which ...