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Location:Mars Hotel
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Registered on:1/11/2010
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Why in the actual frick would you listen to the secret service now?...
Yeah, get the woman Trump smoked running for president, to be your vice president. Solid plan....
DeSantis was never interested in being VP and Trump knew it....
[quote]"LET ME BE CLEAR........" The IDEEEAAAA!!!!!!!! [/quote] LISTEN HERE JACK...
The economy is fricked beyond repair. I just want trump to blow the lid on classified docs, the alphabet agencies, and the Epstein clients ...
[quote] I just don’t get it…..[/quote] It's a South Carolina thing...

re: Repúblican VP pick??

Posted by harmonics on 6/28/24 at 6:44 pm
[quote] Tulsi.[/quote] And she already said she would accept ...
Even if there was a logical explanation foe Bidens reaction to the paratroopers, is that supposed to make up for the literal dozens of other times he displayed clear signs of dementia?...

re: All hell is breaking loose in Dc

Posted by harmonics on 6/8/24 at 4:39 pm
[quote]No way Biden even knows that’s happening outside.[/quote] Biden doesn't even know what's happening inside ...
[quote] At no point did someone on her team try to stop her? Did they set her up, or is everyone involved retarded. [/quote] Most people involved in the media are fricking stupid....
[quote]always felt the production value of the CBS broadcast was much better. [/quote] No doubt about this. CBS production crushes ESPN ...

re: Most useless stat in sports

Posted by harmonics on 6/4/24 at 4:59 pm
[quote] Exit velocity [/quote] I watch those baseball bat bros videos and even he is surprised at the velocity a lot of times. Like, he'll think it's 110+, then when they check the reading it's like 98. Which tells me, in the moment MOST of those fricking balls look like their moving 120 mph of...
[quote]It's basketball. WGAF[/quote] I care, you rooster licker. Also, 27-24. Go frick yourself..... Roll Tide. ...
I would join a fricking militia and fight our own government before I would fight in some bullshite war in another country for those establishment cock suckers in DC....
[quote]severe binge alcoholism. Following Spurlock's 2017 assertion that he hadn't been "sober for more than a week in three decades,"[/quote] Yep. In the documentary, he tried blaming his ravaged liver on the food, but in reality he was just a severe alcoholic. The documentary was mostly h...
[quote]The theory is that light in the 210-215 nm range will kill pathogens while bouncing harmlessly off human skin.[/quote] Oh ok. I haven't seen them. I honestly had no idea how they even worked. My step dad buys random shite all the time, especially tech stuff. Sometimes it's good and some...
[quote]kill germs?[/quote] How?...