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Location:virginia beach, va
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re: My neighbor is a cuck

Posted by tigahlovah on 7/26/24 at 6:39 pm
Being liberal, there's about a .000001% chance that she is hot. Or that she bathes regularly....
How about Robert denerdo????...

re: The Dukes of MAGA

Posted by tigahlovah on 7/24/24 at 5:21 pm
Anybody with a brain and who loves America is/would've been MAGA....
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE (top 100 favorite songs EVER of mine) Selling the drama All over you I alone But I never could stand Lightning crashes....
You left off at least two: Young and stupid. Mentally ill....
The shot was on the money. The best president we've ever had just happened to turn his head at the precise moment the shot was taken....
Your dumbass voted for barak Osama, you voted for billary and Broadway joe. Whatever SINGLE conservative value you CLAIM to agree with doesn't mean shite with all the other garbage you spew all over the board. If it's kept track of, I guarantee that you have a substantial lead in the down vote cat...
I call you a libtard by looking at your long post history of posting. I can't even imagine the turmoil and self loathing that swirls through your skull. Libtards by definition hate themselves and everyone else. It's a mental Illness. Get help....
At this point, when I see your post, I just automatically down vote. Then I may or may not read your drivel. How in the hell can you be a grown "man", and be such a pussy??? I have a mental image of what you probably look like and it ain't pretty. Do you have one eyeball in the middle of your ...

re: If Hallman never came to LSU?

Posted by tigahlovah on 7/20/24 at 8:42 am
Yep, that was Dale's BFF that ran the NAACP in BR at the time. If memory serves his name was Eaves. And in typical SJW fashion, he's sexually assaulting, stealing, etc... behind the scenes. Dipshit libs ALWAYS fall for the routine. As much as I loved Dale, and grew up in the 80s LOVING LSU bask...

re: Yo Foxnews.

Posted by tigahlovah on 7/18/24 at 9:46 pm
OAN and NEWSMAX are the only 2 legitimate news channels left....

re: Latest CBS poll, Trump +5%.

Posted by tigahlovah on 7/18/24 at 8:57 pm
He's disliked by 40% of Americans (cucks like you) because you dipshits believe all the media's lies about him. Amber Rose's liberal arse finally saw the light. How long will it take for your dumb arse to?????? And no, he's not a boy scout. None of us are. But he's LIGHT YEARS better than the ot...

re: Latest CBS poll, Trump +5%.

Posted by tigahlovah on 7/18/24 at 6:02 pm
You're a MAJOR LEAGUE PUSSY if you think the way Trump acts "hurts" peoples feelings. Of course if you're a liberal, by definition you ARE a pussy....
I tend to agree. You can look at a picture of that prick, and tell there is no way in hell he'd have the confidence or wherewithal to pull off all that he did COMPLETELY by himself....
Trump is the truest definition of patriot in the history of the US. I've always said HE DOESN'T NEED TO GO THROUGH THIS bullshite HE GOES THROUGH. But he does it because he loves America. He is literally risking his life to save us from all the pink haired pronoun IDIOTS and allowing KIDS to tr...
The insane part of the country is nowhere near 40%. It's under 10%. We just have half of the country that either doesn't care, or doesn't have the balls to express how much they like Trump, fearing major backlash. I maintain most people like Trump, it's just easier on them to act like they do...
A hefty paycheck is a helluva motivator to act like a dipshit....
She looks like Benny Hill in one of his skits from years ago....
You left out the most important factor. Diversity is our skrangffff....