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Location:Lafayette, LA
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Registered on:11/21/2004
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A previous sheriff in Iberia would have had this handled without this result He was legendary for quick justice...

re: DAT 7/25 - Travel Day

Posted by wahoocs on 7/25/24 at 4:05 pm
How long is it before he goes on the IL? And will he be ready in time to join the Astros in 2024?...

re: DAT 7/25 - Travel Day

Posted by wahoocs on 7/24/24 at 11:34 am
[quote]I’d be willing to give up a lot for Paredes[/quote] :lol: We don't have anything to give and if we did, it would be on the roster playing now Let's not agree to anything with this braintrust and hope that Crane and Luhnow get the gang back together again :lol: I'll say again, t...
I follow a lot of early season and midweek in the game threads, so didn't recall seeing him throw much, esp as a starter Thank you for the recap...
[quote] Shores, Eyanson and Schmidt i[/quote] There is going to be an effort to start a LHer if possible Shores was great IIRC, but I don't remember him starting at all Not that he can't or won't...
His PTSD is so bad he doesn’t get to the field until batting practice is over...
[quote]Christian Little signed with the Mariners for $200K.[/quote] Thx for sharing what you follow up on...
Im not watching this Spring Training exhibition anymore But I’ll leave saying Diaz just showed me all I need to see Chas swings at 90% of pitches he sees, makes contact with 10% of those, and the sad part is that many of them are strikes b/c nobody fears throwing them to him It’s literally ...
Well, those HRs for his contract aren’t gonna hit themselves and definitely not anywhere but LF...
Breman has been such a buzzkill...
I honestly think he has some mental health issues. I’ve said this before when he has had some “illnesses” that have lingered If I’m an All Star level MLB player this close to my life changing contract year, I’m gonna give an interview and answer simple questions about why a foul ball has cost m...
If Espada was worth a shite, he wouldn’t put Chas in rt there to K on 4 pitches w/o even a foul tip Who here didn’t KNOW the outcome of that AB The only surprise was he took a ball Chas should take a job as Jose Abreu’s financial manager or maybe his chauffeur...
I hope he’s just more disappointed he dropped it than actually injured...
I absolutely knew Bregman was going to pull anything that was pitched and was begging him to go the other way Even though you can’t blame him for squaring that up, he was going to hit into a DP in any way possible...
Line drive doesn't do it justice...
Jake’s chances of making contact off of Kirby might be better if he closes his eyes ...
Bregman of all people produces a run with his feet...
Runs between the Astros and Mariners in that stadium are endangered...
That AB by Jake was unfortunate Dared him to do damage...