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Location:Knoxville, TN
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Registered on:12/1/2008
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The Constitution allows only the President to make these appointments and have them confirmed by the Senate. This is an obvious legal argument that Biden lacked capacity to make these appointments and therefore they are illegitimate. I’d start with his SCOTUS pick and also his Federal Appellate a...

re: Joe trying to stack the court.

Posted by CountryVolFan on 7/20/24 at 10:33 am
Joe is not getting any more judicial appointments. If someone dies we are waiting on the next president. No way does a lame duck with competency issues get his nominees confirmed. ...
Mine and the place down the street both filled their parking lots and were using closed businesses for overflow. That’s usually an Easter only happening. ...
[quote]I think the more damning thing is that the SS was incompetent. If you are conspiracy minded (I’m not) you could conclude that the SS purposefully did not cover the prime shooting spots at Trump rallies in the hopes that someone would kill him. But no, it is not creditable that they specifi...
I've noticed this too... They never in my lifetime had any trouble saying "President Reagan" "President Clinton" President Bush" or "President Obama" But it all the sudden turned to "Former President Trump". I thought it was a childish dig... but the more they do it, it irritates me....
Trump’s DOJ needs to prosecute Schumer for his statements inciting violence against Supreme Court Justices...
The multi candidate poll makes no logical sense. That group of candidates should be pulling more from Biden than Trump. Even if it’s only 1-2% Both are -8?...
This type of concurrence is not abnormal. Scalia went after Breyer hard in a death penalty case: [quote]Justice Scalia, with whom Justice Thomas joins, concurring. I join the opinion of the Court, and write to respond to Justice Breyer’s plea for judicial abolition of the death penalty. Welc...
No… The defendants have been in prison. No NO...
Yeah troll… Imprisoning defendants pretrial indefinitely on a misapplication of a statute is totally a victory for the appeals process. Especially when the appeal had to make it all the way to SCOTUS. What an absurd logical stretch. ...
You aren't reading this, because you are dead....
How many time is Biden gonna fake outrage by saying "The idea!?"...
[quote]why. It’s over.[/quote] I'll tell you why as someone who does criminal defense. 95% of the officers are fine people who would have never let things get to this point. The ones that will try to bust out a window of a compliant driver are going to get someone killed, or falsely arreste...
[quote]Having the ability to subpoena witnesses is not the same thing as having an expert testify.[/quote] Yeah man... I don't think that statement would survive Due Process scrutiny. Definitely wouldn't survive Post Conviction case law in my state. ...

re: CNN Poll... LMAO!

Posted by CountryVolFan on 5/4/24 at 2:28 am
Almost every poll has had it somewhere from even to around Trump+4 This has Trump +9 Rasmussen has Trump +12 I don’t think there has been a spread like that since 84/88 That’s an absurd margin. I’d love it to be true. ...
[quote] Are we still backing the blue or naw?[/quote] The classic SFP non sequitur to boost post count....
I'd rather them build this umbrella than shut down global manufacturing....
[quote]Texas will not back down from our efforts to secure the border in Biden’s absence.[/quote] They should put the state in jail by putting up large iron bars around the border....
[quote]Yes because just like health care, home ownership is a right.[/quote] It's not a right... But when the median income can't afford HALF of the median home price, there is an issue. An economy of renters is doomed to fail....