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Registered on:10/4/2008
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1234567VFL: you are not alone in your argument. until recently, my way of thinking on this subject was aligned with all of those who are mocking you in this thread. i have always had a keen interest in both world wars and all of the circumstances leading up to them; and all that has happened as a...
liskow and lewis address says "suite 5000" which i believe would be the 50th floor. i swear i remember a 51st floor (unless L&L has the top two floors?) anyway, i was in a hotel recently with a good view of the building; could see different lighting on the very top floor at night (dimmed lighting an...
my dad had an office there in the late 70's/early 80's and there was a members only club on the top floor. still the case? i have googled it, no answers. maybe have to access the "deep web" for an answer. the windows on the very top seem to be twice the size of the rest of the bldng....

re: interesting read!

Posted by chicageauxtiger on 1/18/12 at 8:11 am
local tv stations here in n.o. are reporting that even if the passed out lsu fan does not come forward, the city might prosecute on his behalf.......

interesting read!

Posted by chicageauxtiger on 1/17/12 at 9:36 pm
house of blues, baybay!! :cheers: $125...all u can eat and drank...
House of Blues on Decatur St in quarter is having a viewing party...$125 at the door= open bar and buffet!! from what i understand, they will have two big projector screens..(in the main music hall) and an overflow in "the parish" (if ur familiar with dat) i know quite a few lsu peeps going...shoul...
it does not matter if alabama fans constitute the majority in the mbsd. even if the "cajun contingent" is miniscule among our fans, don't the gumps know that our history is being loud? what did william bryant say about ts? "like playing inside of a drum..." doesn't matter if we are the minority i...
Uncommon Cents: incorrect. you should put your dick tracy hat on (or, more fittingly, your nancy drew skirt) and give my post another look. you will find that everything is spelled correctly, proper english grammar is used, i know the difference between "their, there, and they're", and i never use...
respectfully tell him to choke on his dentures. i believe if ever there is a time for Tiger Stadium to become again what it once was, this is it. every single person should be on their feet with vocal chords bleeding when arkansas is on offense....

re: Tell me more about LSU

Posted by chicageauxtiger on 12/7/10 at 5:53 pm
hey, whodattigahbait: i find "aggiegirl" very polite and respectful. (much like most every person associated with Texas A&M.) i am sure you have read this entire thread, and there have been some smartassery directed at her. her responses have risen above that, and she has complimented our campus...

re: WTF Roby?

Posted by chicageauxtiger on 10/24/10 at 2:11 pm
might not be able to stop full speed in five yards, but what about the blatant push on the chains guy? the n.o.p.d. should take roby off the field in cuffs for aggravated assault. p.o.s. thug....

re: any who dats in rome???

Posted by chicageauxtiger on 2/5/10 at 4:11 pm
ur address under your name is bucharest. do you live there? been a couple of times......

re: Uniform Question

Posted by chicageauxtiger on 11/29/09 at 9:01 am
can anyone produce evidence that we have ever worn "old gold?" i have talked to my dad (and grandfather...99 yrs old! :cheers:) and they both concur that lsu has never worn "old gold" in their presence. they have been to many games. if anything, back in the old days, the "gold" was just a bit dar...
ok.....if you mean "chills" as in the kind you get when you have a hideous shite-cramp as a result of bad food that is about to make you fill up your pants, then yes. it gives me those kind of chills. :yack:...


Posted by chicageauxtiger on 11/7/09 at 9:41 am
all in....the rest of you are :cat:...