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Registered on:9/5/2004
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re: Moore to NOLA

Posted by LSUsmartass on 2/9/25 at 9:44 pm

Gets to be a head coach in the NFL...There are 32 total in the world. Does this need to be spelled out for anyone?

Compared to how many NFL OCs?
This may not be the appropriate thread for this question, but I came across some unopened bottles of old charter 10 (aged 10 years) in various sizes including 1.75 liters, 1 liter, and 750 ml...I also have a pint and the bottle appears extremely old. Any guesses what these might be worth?

re: WYDI? $10,000 Toyota Truck

Posted by LSUsmartass on 2/8/25 at 7:46 am
Absolutely, but it would be 25k minimum over here

Yup. I just renewed my 2 year contract with this. For $70 you can get 1 Gigi. Didn’t have to call anyone, just went online and did it.

This must be for certain areas, not seeing anything near that deal when I check
Are these the same people that owned the one in Watson years ago?
The squattier the squat, the squirty-er the squirt

re: Big meteor just now

Posted by LSUsmartass on 1/21/25 at 9:06 pm
No they would not

re: Sean Hannity is horrible

Posted by LSUsmartass on 1/20/25 at 8:42 pm
Didn't he talk shite about Trump when questioned about the 2016 election? frick HIM
DOCTOR josh each-us is a supreme douche...how the frick he has a job leading a weather department speaks volumes about WBRZ

Is your name Scott? You and your family are in my thoughts
PJ, keep us updated on the latest projections...me and my family depend on you
Is this the same Rudy that owns End of the Line bar?
That was a hip drop tackle
I was the first to say it 16 years ago in that thread and I'll say it again, those 'ghosts' have shadows