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Biography:baton rouge native, redemptorist grad
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re: Duane DeArmond

Posted by tommyo40 on 9/9/08 at 5:54 am
Tommy O checking in on ya D. I talked to Randy last night and he gave me the latest. I called home to check on everybody after Gustav and they always ask about you and want you to know that you,Tory, and the boys are being prayed for 24/7. It seems to me that we might have to pick an LSU game down...
Hey D, just checking in to let you know that even when we aren't writing something here, we are thinking and praying for you everywhere. Vanessa dedicates a Novena for you every night, that's a lot of mojo dude! Tommy O'Neill...
D, it was awesome to read your notes, I can see your face and hear your voice when I read them. The Tiger and Wolves nation are with you, Tory, and the boys. Your perspective is inspiring to all who are following your progress. It is amazing how little time all the crew from B.R. (Randy,Blair, Dav...
Hey D, just talked to Randy and I know he is on the way to see you. I was thinking that I might have to come over there and do my Rascal's cigarette trick to lighten you up a bit if you need it. Tommy O'Neill...
D, everybody that I know is pulling and praying hard for you, we are all fighting this together. I have plenty of great memories of you and I know that I'll get a bunch more. You and Tory have always been great friends and we hope to see ya'll and the boys in the near future, Tommy O'Neill...