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I beat Bayle, had to switch to the Dragons Hunter Katana. I thought he was a great boss, was able to learn all his moves and enjoyed the lore. Not sure about Rahdan at this point, need a few more reps, but not havingfun with him after a few more tries. Getting to phase 2 consistently, but it see...
Just got to him, shite boss is my assessment after 5ish tries...super frustrating. Almost had him first time, couldn't get past phase 1 after. Need to figure out the timing of Dodge, I am early....
Do you have a source for this? I am truly interested in the rules around this, but Google only provided news stories on this move without explaining 2nd and 3rd order implications. Thanks....

re: What airline do you prefer?

Posted by s0tiger on 7/17/24 at 10:07 pm
Among the big carriers it doesn't matter domestically, they all have issues. Whatever is most direct with reasonable layovers if necessary. I will pay a good deal more for direct at this point, probably 30% more. Also, fly early in the morning as well. ...
The theory is cleaning / support contractors who had access to the planes staged the weapons, but on the wrong plane. Not the the hijackers got on a different plane, put them in the seat back and then went to a different plane. Not hard to grasp what the article is saying....

re: Columbus, Ga

Posted by s0tiger on 7/9/24 at 6:14 pm
Also forgot about the Coca-Cola Space Science Center. My wife took her 5th grade classes there for field trips and they always had a good time ....

re: Columbus, Ga

Posted by s0tiger on 7/9/24 at 8:27 am
Ok, they have a good rafting setup and zip lines over the Chattahoochee. The rafting will last a couple of hours and has up to class 5 rapids depending on the river flow and what you want to tackle. They have options for beginners that don't include the advanced rapids, which sounds like what you ar...
80% of ours are underground and we pay about 2.5x for electricity than our family in LA. Thankfully our heat is NG and our summers are mild....

re: Columbus, Ga

Posted by s0tiger on 7/8/24 at 7:01 pm
Lived there for 3 years, not sure what you are looking for, but here are a couple of things to do there. They have the National Infantry Museum, which is well done. Also have the National Civil War Naval Museum which is interesting if you like these type of activities. The Riverwalk is short ...
Viserys rode Balerion who died of old age (same dragon ridden by Aegon the Conquerer). He refused to take another one for so.e reason....
We bought our current house in 2020 just before Covid. It was built on the 90s and had polybutylene pipes which have a history of failure. Made a total replumb with Pex a condition of purchase. 3 story 4100 sq ft house, work took 7 days before we moved in. I was in and saw all the places they cut in...
[quote]quote: Elden Ring Yep. He should ease into things.[/quote] I almost didn't put it in there, but I was in his shoes 3+ years ago. Gamed a lot until life took over in early 2000s, in 2021 things settled down and I played those games (and a few others not on PS5 like the Halo and Gear...
Mass Effect Trilogy Witcher 3 Cyberpunk 2077 Elden Ring Then the Sony exclusives- God of War, Spiderman, Horizon series, Ghost of T...

re: Stanford/Palo Alto

Posted by s0tiger on 6/28/24 at 6:42 pm
I agree that the immediate area around Palo Alto is lacking things to do. I would hit up Pier 41 in SF (maybe take a ferry ride) and seek out the red woods as others have recommended. SF is an easy train ride from there and you can Uber around the city....
Lived there over a decade ago so this is dated, but here are a couple of ideas. I highly recommend the World War 1 museum which is near where you are at. More of a drive, but the KC Zoo is a great zoo if you like those. As for restaurants in that area, Pierponts at Union Station is really good...
We saw a ton of them, the herd that crossed around us was 40+ and there was another of the same size just behind them. It may have been one giant herd or two loosely grouped ones. It was really cool. We are still traveling, but I will post pics when we get back....
We just finished a week in the Serengeti and thought the guides fir the most part were respectful. There were a couple of instances where I thought it was too much, but the animals seemed to roll with it. I have a 4 minute video of elephants crossing a road around our vehicle (open air) and it was s...
[quote] .....yes. The business is being charged 3%+ to process your payment. Why should they eat that?[/quote] Passing on a surcharge is illegal in a few states, others have limits, but the practice is limited in my experience and in those cases do the math on reward vs fee. If it's a wash I sti...

re: Self-financing home sale

Posted by s0tiger on 6/11/24 at 8:17 pm
My parents did this after retiring. Not sure of all the details, but the primary pitfall was they didn't put a clause in to preserve some of their expected profit in the event of an early payoff. The buyer signed and less than a year later paid in full, eliminating a lot of their expected profit tha...
I didn't think it was that subtle and i really do think about trimming. Then I think about the fact that I made the same investment in Tesla around the same time, but bought into the shorters and sold early. Same with BTC, I had 10 in 2017, now it's 2...not complaining, but I could be much better...