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Location:Arlington, Texas
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Registered on:3/23/2008
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re: Javien Toviano Arrested

Posted by DocBugbear on 7/22/24 at 4:24 pm
I agree that the allegations are very troubling. All I've been saying is that we should wait for all the facts to come out before deciding he is beyond redemption. Sometimes things look horrible in the early reports (as they do here), but when the full story comes out it doesn't look nearly so hor...

re: Javien Toviano Arrested

Posted by DocBugbear on 7/22/24 at 3:55 pm
[quote]Didn't you admit that you have never met Toviano before? How would you possibly know this? Is it because you talked to the 9th grade English teacher at his high school?[/quote] That same source told me that LSU was one of Toviano's two favorites in May of 2022 when everyone else thought he w...

re: Javien Toviano Arrested

Posted by DocBugbear on 7/22/24 at 10:07 am
No. I'm saying there are good people that make mistakes and commit crimes to become criminal. They make amends and pay whatever price is needed and return to living a life without any further transgressions. There are other people that just make bad choices all the time and end up lifelong crimin...

re: Javien Toviano Arrested

Posted by DocBugbear on 7/22/24 at 8:53 am
[quote]I mean, he most likely did what he was arrested for.[/quote] I agree. I'm not condoning what he did. I'm merely pointing out that there's a difference between someone that can't keep out of trouble and someone that is generally a good person that makes a really bad mistake. The latter will...

re: Javien Toviano Arrested

Posted by DocBugbear on 7/22/24 at 8:19 am
Whenever a player gets arrested, there is always a shortage of information, and there are always people that assume the worst and fill in the blanks. Some of you (that have likely never even met Javien) have already compared him to Cecil Collins. I would urge everyone to have a little patience and...
[quote]Not sure how any of you can sleep at night knowing that Moses could flip.[/quote] That's simple. If Moses ends up signing with LSU, then he is a fantastic commit that we are happy to have. If he signs elsewhere, then he's over-rated. Funny thing is, this seems to be back up by statistics ...

re: Nuss gives me Tebow vibes

Posted by DocBugbear on 6/29/24 at 3:11 am
Making a thread on The rant and not expecting a good roasting is a bit silly. Of course, complaining about the roasting is only going to get you more....
If only Cecil could have kept his arse out of trouble. 4 games. 72 carries. 596 yards. That's an average of 18 carries for 149 yards per game (8.3 yards per carry)....
Best case scenario is that he knows this is his last chance to earn a chance at the pros, and it lights a fire under his arse. Then we will see what he can really do, and he had a lot of potential coming out of high school. Maybe... Maybe... he can be that guy at this level. Worst case scenario,...
[quote]That game was an evisceration. [/quote] Nah... Couldn't have been an evisceration. OU would have had to have some guts. :cheers:...
[quote]Why would Emery come back to LSU?[/quote] He's got one season to make a big enough splash to get to the pros. LSU's RB is thin, and they have a top OL in the country. So, he's gonna get some chances. If he delivers on the chances he gets, then he'll get even more chances. If he looks good ...
Texas is doing what A&M recently did, and I expect they will see similar results. They had a good year and are desperate for more. So now they are trying to buy players to push the team over the top. But you can't buy a team. They're bringing in the most entitled players. They won't have chem...
[quote]Can he play DT? [/quote] No... Only made 1 tackle last year... weak......

re: We’re going to be alright

Posted by DocBugbear on 5/20/24 at 1:11 am
[quote]Understanding the new landscape with NIL means the biggest bag will ultimately win at the end of the day unless a natty is guaranteed [/quote] The NIL landscape will start getting under control once teams begin to learn it's limits. You can fill some holes buying free agents and recruits ...
[quote]It's not light. We've been scared because of the last 2 years, but that is not the norm. Let's just go to 2020 and 2021 where we didn't have QB that ran much. We used 4 RBs total in 2020 with the 4th RB only getting 5 carries. In 2021, we used 6 RBs, but the 5th and 6th RBs totaled 3 carries....
Four is a little light, but I'm sure there are a couple players in other positions that could step up in an emergency. Plus, I expect we'll take a little pressure off the run game by using quick screens. Should be effective as Nuss has some zip and can get it out there quick and Lacy can pick up s...

re: Dominick McKinley interview

Posted by DocBugbear on 5/15/24 at 5:48 pm
I am not too concerned. It's May. He's aware that his weight is an issue, and if he's speaking about it in an interview, that means he intends to do something about it. He has plenty of time to work on it and correct it. He was a monster at the end of last year. He has the opportunity for s...
[quote]Wild to me that people were shitting themselves about missing out on McKinley, but we signed him and now we have no talent. [/quote] I feel like McKinley is going to be a beast for us this year. ...
[quote]Not saying any of the guys on the roster are Glenn Dorsey but they also haven’t had a real DL coach. Hopefully some coaching can elevate their game also. [/quote] BK has to feel that our DL has suffered from poor coaching and that they will be much better this year. Otherwise he would have ...