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Location:Madison, Wisconsin
Biography:Son of the South
Number of Posts:6292
Registered on:11/10/2023
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Man you guys are so nuts… every ally does not have to perfectly align with your views

Immediately supporting Mitch McConnell's hand-picked replacement for himself, John Thune, for Senate Majority leader was a pretty big mark against Hawley. Disagree if you want but it was not a g

What has he done?

Exactly... well, other than immediately supporting Turtle's GOPe never-Trumper handpicked twink lover, John Thune, to lead the Senate... The same guy that immediately warned Trump to "stay out of it."
He took Thune's cock out of his mouth long enough to do this?

Does he go to the women's jail or the men's?

The men's... Where he will be treated like the woman he thinks he is.

Seems like leftist violence is ramping up weekly. Coordinated effort or TDS

Well, they better get it in before Jan. 20th... because after that they're about to find out everyone has had enough of their bullshite.
Come January 20th, these violent tranny whackos who act out like this are in for some overdue push back on their BS.

many “republicans” have fallen victim to extremeism in the past several years. We can’t let them take the party with them.

So you took a good hard look at both parties and this is what you came up with?


you've been watching too much MSM.

Blatantly obvious. :lol:

2. Their immovable stance on abortion when 60% of the country favors access to at least very-early abortion.

Trump's immovable stance on abortion? He split the baby in the controversy (something baby killers shouldn't be too upset about) and promoted overturning Roe to send the iss

While I had issues with Trump’s treatment of the military, spreading conspiracy theories, and age, I ultimately voted for him.

JFC... :rolleyes:

They are still the delusional, racist, woke black liberals who claim Trump and his supporters be "white supremacists." :rolleyes:

These moron people can frick right off permanently.
So, they're trying to cash in on rich kids by claiming muh "hate speech" and "racism." frick those c u n t s.

DOGE is a nothingburger in the big picture.

JFC... :rolleyes:

It's not TDS. I said I wish he would do what Millei did.

bullshite. That's not what you said or how you meant it. You implied Trump is pro-liberal/socialist style big government... and implying that is complete TDS nonsense.

I wish Trump would learn this lesson.


The TDS always takes over.

re: The right is divided

Posted by LegalEazyE on 12/10/24 at 10:40 am

and it is obvious that GOP establishment faction has nothing but contempt for us. So, frick em.

Where do yall go when Trump is out of the picture?

America First/MAGA is bigger than Trump. So, whomever the best candidate and candidates are that want to carry that torc

re: Do You Trust FOXnews?

Posted by LegalEazyE on 12/10/24 at 10:35 am

I try to actually watch the local news and that's it... No propaganda.

Who wants to tell him?

re: Do You Trust FOXnews?

Posted by LegalEazyE on 12/10/24 at 10:34 am
I trust like 3 people on FOX... the rest can frick off.