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Registered on:10/25/2023
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And they do Receive that mercy, through Christ... ?? So what are we talking about...
On the verbal side, my IQ is way higher than that. On the physical puzzle solving side, my IQ is just above retard level lol.. as of the sixth grade test I took upon request from my teacher...
"To you it has been given to know the things of the kingdom of God, but to them has it not been given" Jesus Christ in reference to the multitudes 'following' Him when talking to his disciples...
There is only ONE mediator between God and man you fool. You're priests are an affront to the ministry of Jesus Christ you fool ...
My answer is that if it has not been revealed to you,it's because it's been shut up, and God had allowed your mind to be blinded, seeing as you have not received a love for the truth but have rather turned to fables...
As already stated, the Holy Land belongs to the children of the promise... You figure out who that is by reading Gods promised and allowing His Spirit to guide you into all truth. ...
Yes you are very indoctrinated unfortunately if you can place Peter by inspiration into those versed in Isaiah.. as if that's the intention the Spirit had lol. I literally feel sorry for you ...
I seriously don't follow what you're trying to ask you weird catholic lady...
It's not my fault you don't understand the promised because they have not been revealed to you by the Spirit but rather taught falsely by the psuedo church...
How do you not understand it's because they weren't ultimately for that Israel, they were always for the true Spiritual Israel as headed by the true 'Prince with God', Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and they all will be fulfilled in and by Him... How do you not understand? Oh yeah, you've been being ...
Paul had to address the issue and use those terms to make clear the truth about them, Christ was very clear that there is only one flock and one fold and Paul said that the only distinction God now makes is in Christ or in Adam, there is no more Jew nor Greek. All that has been done away... Though ...
Yes, in two ways are the nations, the gentiles, also descendants of Abraham. Physically, quite obvious, because the LORD has literally made the descendants of Abraham as the sand of the seashore in that he is the father of the twelves nations that came from Ishmael, who eventually would mix with th...
Correct about Christ is the rock, obviously, and Peter was but a small stone cleft from that rock...
Then if that is you're understanding you need to re read Romans and learn how we have become children of Abraham in God's eyes by the righteousness which comes by faith... And how the promises are ultimately for those faithful sons... You missed it, probably because your church tradition and the peo...
Oh, and Darby's dispensationalism is also a lie straight from the pit, and probably a result of Jesuit influence....
The roman Catholic church and it's doctrines are antichrist from the word go... If anyone doesn't see that, I truly feel sorry for their deluded soul. (I was raised Catholic, know all about it. It's an abomination)...
Brother if you read that scripture you references in Isaiah 22 and don't see it typifying christs ministry you are seriously seriously throwes off and indoctrinated by the Catholic church. You honestly think that verse has to do with freaking peter? Lol wth...
The Holy Land ultimately belongs to the children of the promise, those who have become children of Abraham by faith, not circumcised in he foreskin of the penis but rather circumcised in the heart by the Spirit of God. This undoubtedly includes both a remnant of Jews according to the flesh who have...