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Number of Posts:468
Registered on:3/17/2023
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Guilty! Talking on the phone and texting your teacher at 11 come on now.....the parents don't have a clue? ...
They should round them all up and either A: put’’em all in jail B: send all of them to Iran...
Hopefully DJT will see this and when he IS President again won’t give these bastards another penny!...

re: Girl you went to prom with

Posted by RustyDaDog on 5/1/24 at 2:15 pm
Nope she’s not fat, but she doesn’t look as good as she did back then. Her long black hair is way shorter and turning gray….i still would though ...
Please dear baby Jesus I hope he does a PPV...
I didn’t see a description of the hoodlums, but I bet I can guess Damn thieves FAFO!...
I’ve seen chicken killing dogs killed in the past, but seems the real reason to get this out there is to tank her own VP chances. I mean what other reason is there unless she’s just an idiot…...
Damn no pics….that gets a downvote from me ...
Say what you want, they’ll always be the Redskins to me. Good Luck JD...
And the husband is pissed not only is the cat back, no telling how much it cost to get the cat shipped back from LA. I doubt that’s covered by Prime...
Snort some more coke Mitch, it’ll be alright ...
Maybe he just grabbed her by the XXssy, But I really don’t care he’ll get my vote...
[quote]Sounds like you log into the P@rnhub too much....[/quote] Damn you beat me to it lol…...
I have to disagree with Tucker on this one. The bombs were a necessary evil that saved an untold number of lives. If war is to be fought it should be fought to win, it shouldn’t be this politically correct BS. It’s unfortunate it it’s true....
[quote]The R's do not vote lockstep[/quote] This is the thing I see as THE problem. D’s always vote together and R’s never do. But at this point in time it’s far beyond that....
These morons can’t even define “assault weapon, weapon of war” or “common sense gun laws” maybe it’s because they have no common sense. ...