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Registered on:1/19/2023
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[quote]Now, imagine 30 seconds earlier and two blocks back down the road. The bicyclist does something that bicyclists do. Runs a light or a stop sign. Cuts off a driver who is trying to make a turn onto the main road from a sidecstreet. Something. The cyclist proceeds to the intersection and sto...
I kinda think Desantis is gonna run away with it. But, politics is a funny business and there's a long way to go. ...
[quote]Thought I posted that from my HHtM account. [/quote] :rotflmao: DB is HHtM. :rotflmao: Mmkay. :)...
[quote]The "High Desert" is in California,[/quote] By the way. The SW is full of desert areas that are at pretty solid Altitude. Hell, Flagstaff is higher than Denver. Just sayin(no, I'm not in Flagstaff)...
[quote] Do you honestly think that the security teams are going to allow that chamber to be breeched? [/quote]Um, they did allow it to be breached. [quote]You’re asking for them to do exactly that.[/quote]I'm not asking for anything. I'm saying that this so called "standard" seems pretty frickin...
[quote]The "High Desert" is in California,[/quote]Oh dear God no! LOL. I'd rather pull my eyeballs out with a spoon! [quote] SDVTiger.[/quote] Was banned? I thought I saw that handle in a thread recently? Maybe not. ...
[quote] Hopefully you never find yourself with someone busting into your home. [/quote]Home? There was a home involved here? Are you retarded? And, like I said. OK. I eagerly away the shooting of several hundred BLM protestors during the next BLM riots. ...
They can bullshite all they want but everyone alive today knows that if police shot an unarmed black woman who was presenting ZERO physical threat to anyone, the entire fricking media would have melted down. "Oh, but she was busting thru a door". Mmkay. I look forward to all of the looters in ...
I don't know if he can win in court, but I sure hope he does. Regardless, I 100% approve of his total war approach Hire private investigators on ALL involved. frick their lives top to bottom. Ruin them and let them walk away in shame. Ruin their spouses. Ruin their adult children. Salt the fricking Ea...
[quote]manage potential danger.[/quote]There's no potential danger. Yeah. People might look at you funny. So the frick what. [quote]It makes me feel uncomfortably seen, whether or not anyone is looking[/quote]The human brain is a funny thing. It will tell you you're fricked up even if you don't wa...
[quote]You see, that's the issue with those who never wanted Trumo like Displaced, HHtm and a few more around here. [/quote]I can't speak to that. I voted for Trump twice and, were he the nominee again, I'd vote for him again. But, head to head with Desantis, at this point? No brainer. Desantis....
[quote]I just got High Desert to kindly clarify what he means when he references the same types that you are there, and I think we probably agree that it’s a minority (a small one at that, IMO) that match those characteristics, thus really don’t warrant a level of discussion as if they were coming a...
[quote]Has nothing to the fact that DeSantis shut down businesses. Period. [/quote]Man, hanging on to this is just fricking desperate. Desantis was on the right side of this for like 98% of the time and you're trying to hang on to that 2% like it fricking matters. All while pretending Trump's...
[quote]Actually no. 7 states never even issued a stay at home order. [/quote]I don't even know your point here. So what. [quote]The truth is that some people are trying g to pin it on Trump. The truth is states had a choice to make. They made those choices. [/quote] Anyone trying to act like i...
[quote]The hardcore types would turn to Don Jr, Lindell or Kari Lake. [/quote]This would be idiocy. Not that I don't like either of those. But, the man went from marginally beating a gay cokehead to just flat trouncing an established REAL NAME RECOGNITION candidate during an election that reall...
[quote] Which is exactly how many individuals here,[/quote]Some. I never asserted it was everyone or even most. But, clearly such people exist............and of course, I'm also not JUST referring to ones on TD. ...
[quote] The only-Trumpers that believe he is a plant are idiots.[/quote] I mean, they do realize Trump isn't immortal, right? I mean, he's eventually gonna die. If he were in a bus accident tomorrow, if these frickers wouldn't IMMEDIATELY turn to Desantis, they're out of their fricking minds. ...
There's 1 black QB(who still probably has white in him) and one AT LEAST half white(but probably greater than 50% white) QB starting. Quirks of melanin in genetic expression doesn't change that....
[quote]Libs weren't calling him "DeathSantis" because of his extreme lockdown [/quote] It's hilarious. I mean, the man was practically portrayed as a murderer by the entire media establishment. There were actual calls to have him arrested for frick's sake! Yes. I do recall that in the infan...
[quote]I’ve already read between the lines and surmised that quite surprisingly you may not share the belief that Trump “shut down the country”. I already acknowledged that, which would indeed contradict my original presumption. Why don’t we just skip to the chase and you tell me what your opinion i...