Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Pinellas County FL
Number of Posts:887
Registered on:8/18/2022
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re: Calling all OT women

Posted by BeachTiger2018 on 1/12/25 at 7:21 pm
[quote]We as a society have to get over this idea that gift cards are somehow more thoughtful than cold, hard cash[/quote] I mean, they are…cash requires zero thought…gift card at least requires determining “what is a place this person would enjoy eating at/visiting/shopping etc.” ...

re: Ohio State or Notre Dame

Posted by BeachTiger2018 on 1/11/25 at 8:35 pm
It's basically like choosing to get jabbed in the eye or kicked in the balls. I can't stand OSU and there's very few situations where I would hope they win a game like this, but here we are. ND needs to stay in the can't get over the hump territory with their pathetic schedule and "independent" ...
learn to cut your own hair. It’s easy with patience and if you mess up, just buzz it and try again in a couple weeks. I started when barbershops were closed during Covid. I fade the sides and back and keep the top slightly longer. Used to hate making appts at the barber now I do it myself in 30 min ...
[quote]I interviewed Coleman for something about a month ago and asked him why not LSU. He literally said, “why would I?” He was not a fan and did not want to stay home. Plain and simple.[/quote] He sounds butt hurt ...
[quote]We've long known that it is arguably much worse for you than the regular version (which already isn't good for you) but it also tastes way worse. I get that we all have bad habits, but the mass obsession with diet soda is one I've never really understood.[/quote] cool story broski...
Not good for American patriots. And one step closer to a one world government....
[quote]Interesting how everyone is so hypocritical when it comes to sports and their own lives. No one wants to “have” to stay at a company for 3-4 years when other companies want you and are willing to pay you a lot more. But… everyone wants athletes to have to stay and not have options.[/quote] ...
Best win was against T8&4. Lost to a directional school. [img]https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMGRvOWtqYWRncjE3aWc2a2libjJxNnh1Y3U2cHptcDJmNTZ2YnBwOSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/x0npYExCGOZeo/giphy.gif[/img]...
And then you have to pay that protection money or you’ll be sleepin with da fishes....
[quote]Kirby today plainly said they were ours[/quote] He said they were a combination of commercial, hobbyist, and “local” law enforcement and the gov isn’t worried about them. Baer asked if they were searching for radioactive material and he dismissed that. So all these entities just so hap...
It’s wild to think about the end game of all this. It’s hard to imagine it stopping short of full blown players Union, revenue sharing, and contracts. And after that’s in place and it’s essentially the NFL, what’s next, a draft and schools having ability to trade players? Why not? Pretty sad. ET...
[quote]Joe joined the "White Dudes for Harris" call earlier this year.[/quote] This is fake news, retard. Do a quick fact check on your own before regurgitating some clickbait you saw on Facebook. It takes 15 seconds. ...
[quote]I'd put that $100 monthly into a mutual fund for the next 30 years.....at the end it would be worth about $350K[/quote] Nice. Then with the 350k in 2054 I buy LSU a 3rd string punter for the practice squad. ...
The lil european fellas look like junior high kids standing next to a grown man ...
I’m past the age in my life where I care very much about brands, but it does strike me as odd seeing a basketball on a football jersey. Also, these days doesn’t being a billboard for Nike just not so indirectly fund Oregon’s NIL?...
BK is in year 3 of a 10 yr contract. His job wouldn’t be in jeopardy if LSU had gotten waxed by 30 tonight. Not to be a downer but OU is a .500 team and had Nuss not been able to come back in, we’re probably looking at a different result and singing a different tune. Always good to get a win, and I ...
[quote]Not so fast. Ben Mankiewicz gayed up TCM pretty good.[/quote] I would have never known he was if you hadn’t told me. Doesnt present himself as effeminate from what I’ve seen. Eddie Muller seems like a cool dude. Love some Noir Alley. ...