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re: The NFL forced the sale of

Posted by bstaceyau19 on 2/4/25 at 7:16 am
You idiots are aware that the NFL has known about this stuff since 2019, right?

We have to find out Luka was disgruntled in the coming days and about to go scorched earth. There is absolutely no other way on this planet that the Mavs would approach the Lakers to deal Luka.

Think again

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I’m not a subscriber of his and I don’t follow him on any socials.. I know he’s the Saints beat writer so I’ve seen lots of content, but Im curious how he’s part of the problem? I’m not being a contrarian, I’m genuinely curious so I can continue to avoid him with good reason.


Moore is a good candidate/hire but for Jerry Jones to pass when he spent years in Dallas is a concern.

With all due respect, Jerry Jones passing on a guy is a positive.
Here is another story on the coach search by Armando Salguero:


First off, he is 100% correct on the optics of the situation. However, that's not w
I don't think it's a newsbreaker to say that Loomis is on the tail end of his tenure here. He is 67 and been at it over 20 years, so the end is near regardless of how the end is achieved. I'm sure that's coming up in these interviews and I'm sure many of the candidates want a say on that change wh

What the frick does this even mean

It means that other people who cover the league are saying this; meaning other members of the media.

If it were people inside teams, she would have said "league sources"

I think a competent HC with fire would expose our GM. But maybe I’m relying on wishful thinking.

Need some adults in charge at the top. Instead we are stuck with clowns.

Yes, we need a competent coach with fire. He would definitely know to fire the childish unqualified GM we ha

This would be great news. I think he would have been a great fit if the plan was to fix the cap, gut some older players, build a solid core for the next guy. But that also means Loomis would have to admit it's rebuild time.

Yeah that would totally convince Carroll to coach us.


Pete Carroll rumored to the Raiders

Posted by bstaceyau19 on 1/24/25 at 9:24 am

If this happens, and Dallas hires Schottenheimer, that means that the Saints will have the choice of every one of their candidates minus Aaron Glenn.

Things have br
[quote]Who the hell would Glenn even make that request to? Glenn isn't even close to a powerful enough hire to make a request like that and even if he was the only person with the authority to fire Loomis is Gayle Benson and it's not like she's the one doing the interviewing. Are we to believe that
Actually, its defensive minded head coaches that need a top QB more than offensive coaches. Offensive coaches can scheme their way with adequate QB play. Some very average QB's have won super bowls.

re: Jets have settled on Glenn

Posted by bstaceyau19 on 1/21/25 at 7:29 pm
Conner Hughes sends his tweet ay 4:45.

Schefter sends his at 5:44.

Does that mean what it seems to mean?

re: Keep in mind about Notre Dame

Posted by bstaceyau19 on 1/20/25 at 8:36 pm

Indiana only lost to Notre Dame and Ohio State

Yes, but did you look at their schedule? The B1G is just like the SEC; you don't play everybody, so a lot hinges on who you draw. Other than Ohio State, the best conference team they played was Michigan (who finished 7th) and then Wa

Keep in mind about Notre Dame

Posted by bstaceyau19 on 1/20/25 at 8:27 pm
I'll eat crow if they come back, but in the playoffs they played and beat:

Indiana, who feasted on the bottom dwellers in the B1G.

Georgia, who had a backup quarterback

Penn State, who is Penn State and will eventually do Penn State things in big games. This is known.

Ohio State is a
It's always a crapshoot when an x's and o's coach goes somewhere that needs extensive culture change. We think we have it bad here in NOLA; that's nothing compared to the Bears. They have been a joke for well over 10 years. They needed a Dan Campbell type to change the attitiude. We'll see if Jo