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Location:The Penalty Box
Number of Posts:588
Registered on:4/4/2022
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I’ve got a United flight to the Oregon coast for a golf trip Tuesday. First guys trip since before kids. Really hoping this doesn’t screw us up...

re: Total prick of a landlord

Posted by PikesPeak on 7/19/24 at 5:53 pm
It’s gay if you look at someone like that and say they’re not good looking. ...
The Hmong have a bad rap up in Minnesota for out performing good ol' boys in the squirrel hunting arena...
Probably 4 years per. That being said, the longest tenure with a company was switching jobs internally to get out of the field. Been at my current company a year and a half and will be here as long as they'll have me....
People mock you because you’re a chode. Now that you say you have food, water, ammo…that just makes you a slightly prepared chode. ...
[quote]don’t come off your glass[/quote]If the target is within your magnified field of view, yes. You adjust and acquire the target. If a shot rings out and it's not in your field of view, you come off your glass. Multiple reasons: 1. You can look for reactions near a potential target location ...
Tell me you’ve never had any long range shooting experience without telling me. Jeez, the armchair tactics experts are out in full force today. ...
My wife's 86yo grandmother has been vocal about being ready to die for a few years now. Her husband is gone and she outlived one of her children. Just live a good life, be able to smile on the good times and bad, and enjoy the 0.00000000000000000001% chance occurrence that you were ever alive at a...
Holy frick who gives a shite...
That’s the 14th worst ingredient of Mountain Dew ...
No, he went through a normal divorce and shares custody. He’s been married to his current wife quite a while and has several children ...
Dude, just get your kid a decent bat that's correctly sized so he can go enjoy playing baseball as a kid. He's not getting called up to the show. This kind of detail should MAYBE start coming into play in late JHS...

re: What’s your biggest regret?

Posted by PikesPeak on 6/22/24 at 3:00 pm
Pretending to be someone I wasn't during college and losing out on a set of friends that are still close to this day. We were still friends, roommates, etc but by not being my authentic self and trying to fit in with other crowds, I'm not nearly as close with them today as they all are with each ot...
I buy Velo from Sweden. Comes out (with shipping) to about $2.50 cheaper than Zyn here in Denver. Plus they're just better. End up using less since they last longer. My buddy had to hit 3 gas stations like a crackhead before a work trip, I'd just quit at that point :lol:...
Look at every c-suite executive......

re: Top 10 Cigarettes

Posted by PikesPeak on 6/16/24 at 7:28 pm
Marlboro 27s...
Because the parents of that generation objectively failed in providing their kids with opportunities to try and fail, made them scared of everything, etc. It's not rocket science...

re: Women ruin Father's Day

Posted by PikesPeak on 6/16/24 at 3:51 pm
Idk man, my wife bought me a new red dot for my concealed carry and I got to smoke brisket and relax with my kids. I guess I married a good one ...
[quote]At what age did you stop sleeping with you mom?[/quote][quote]Violent Hip Swivel [/quote][img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMG9oMjlwN2hlbjRtaDVvNzNrOGtwamU0N2hvenZidWQzYWo2anU3MCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3o7btT1T9qpQZWhNlK/giphy.webp[/img]...