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Tell that to your surgeon next time he operates on you. I’ve never seen anything more snowflake than being triggered by having to wear a piece of cloth on your face. ...
[quote]Stop watching the MSM, friend. They're making you crazy. Russia has no desire to "take out" the US, they are just taking advantage of our clusterfrick of and administration to make regional moves. A[/quote] Ha! It’s not main stream media that pushes that kind of paranoia it’s right wing me...
[quote]Hope you're happy with your choice of President, you Democratic devil! So, your're one of the ignorant voters that has brought this country down to its' lowest point ever. Way to go.[/quote] Of course I’m happy with Biden. My net worth is significantly higher now than when he took office. ...
[quote]Troll[/quote] Another silly tactic of the Right. The Right can nitpick and blame the left for every problem in their life but if someone points out an accomplishment of the Left they are called a troll. ...
[quote]Now do inflation, commie.[/quote] Inflation was only 7%. I would take 7% inflation and a 26% gain in the market. Wouldn’t you?...
Yet Trump told you that the market would crash if Biden won. ...
[quote]I don't think we make it that far. The left will do anything to stay in power.[/quote] Will they have their cult storm the Capitol to stop the transfer of power? Will they ask Georgian election officials to find them the exact number of votes needed to change the result? ….oh wait th...
[quote]Do you like capitalism or are you like the majority of your party that thinks we need the government to help people make their best decisions for their own good.[/quote] We need capitalism as our primary economic system but that has be balanced by some form of government redistribution. C...
[quote]the democratic party will cease to exist [/quote] Well Trump killed conservatism and replaced it with big government authoritarianism. He ran trillion dollar deficits, had the government pick winners and losers in the private sector, used the department of justice as his own personal polit...
[quote]Are you sure about that? I’m going to call you a liar considering it started in 2010[/quote] I’m not a liar I may have simply gotten the year wrong. I’m a big stock market guy. I follow the markets so of course I’m aware of zero hedge. They even blocked me on Twitter. :wah: :wah:...
[quote]You probably did you POS [/quote] Nope I voted by mail weeks before the election. ...
[quote]You didn’t answer the question Why is it ok for Biden but not Rogan?[/quote] I never said it wasn’t ok for Rogan. I’m not a fan of the cancel culture BS. I don’t think most Dems support it. It’s a media thing where they amplify the crazies for ratings and clicks. ...
The Republicans have been gerrymandering for decades. The Dems finally figured out they need to fight fire with fire. ...
[quote]You’ve never heard of zerohedge you uneducated hack.[/quote] I’ve been reading zerohedge since the Bush financial collapse in 2008. They produce right wing fear porn. They’ve predicted 2431 of the last 3 recessions. :lol:...
[quote]There is a reason that there are few Dems here, Tt. Hint: it's not censorship. In an uncensored forum, it's virtually impossible for a Dem to justify their beliefs and policy, when challenged in uncensored debate. That is the reason that it's the Left that trumpets censorship, and not the Rig...
[quote]Why was he spying on him? Why did he help create the false Russia bull shite as well? Let’s not act like Obama walked away gracefully [/quote] Yet all of the Russian stuff was kept quiet prior to the election. Obama leaked nothing. Compare that to Comey coming out a week before the ele...
Of course Trump lost. You really don’t understand how much people hated the guy outside of his base. I would have driven 2000 miles to vote to get rid of him....
[quote]Never heard of him. Is he related to Maureen?[/quote] I never heard of him either until tonight. I saw a clip on Twitter where he was saying it’s “end days” for the financial system. I get a kick out of the sky is falling content so I wanted to read more?...
[quote]Just out of curiosity, the left is trying to cancel Joe Rogan saying he’s a racist. Joe Biden has on many occasions used the same word on the floor of the senate. Once even saying he didn’t want his kids going to the same school as black kids. Care you give us your thoughts?[/quote] I d...
[quote]How’d you find the board?[/quote] I was googling ex Blackrock fund guy Edward Dowd and this board turned up. ...