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Registered on:1/26/2022
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What kind of idiot without self preservation common sense goes to a fricking warzone ? ...
[quote]How is driving a shitty electric car going to do anything about it?[/quote] It doesn't but it will make you feel better than other people by having the high moral ground. ...
[quote]Where are all the proggies defending blossoming artist hunter receiving 3 mill from enemy #1 Pootin?[/quote] I had a long conversation with one once. Basically his last argument was '' It's not proven he recieved the money ! '' And my answer was '' Riiiight, they just send him all t...
But OrAnGe MaN BaD , OrAnGe MaN wEaK lEaDeR ! ...
I believe a lot of Republicans here should bear that in mind rather than some democrats. ...
If the police killed him in the arrest BLM would probably mourn him for months and make him a saint. What a piece of human garbage. ...
[quote]Incredible how quickly Biden is destroying this country. Just fricking amazing.[/quote] Honestly it is, I was expecting him to be much more status quo, not this frick fest. ...
[quote]the UN say otherwise.[/quote] Because the UN is the epitome of truth. If they say something it MUST be true ! [quote]Whoever allows it is at fault, which would be our government. You can’t blame another country for taking advantage of weakness.[/quote] Or I can blame both, the gover...
[quote]When you counterfeit your own currency you should no longer be the reserve currency. We have done this to ourselves.[/quote] This is why people who doesn't know economics shouldn't be allowed to vote. Literacy tests should be back and economics should be obligatory in all schools. ...

re: biden doubling down

Posted by Alex777 on 3/15/22 at 5:47 pm
[quote]it’s a fact[/quote] A fact supported by an organization that makes manipulated polls, which it's entire survival depends on global warming being a man made issue ( se the IPCC ) ...
[quote]Yeah, I think it’s pretty obvious at this point that China and Russia are not on the same team as the NWO.[/quote] Or maybe there is no such thing as a globalized world domination conspiracy, and there are just a bunch of groups of powerful people who oppose one another to achieve absolute...
[quote]Imagine defending George soros and Bill gates agenda.[/quote] The only way to oppose Geroge Soros and Bill Gates is by supporting communist tyrants ? Wow, you guys are making communism sound amazing right now .... that was sarcasm, communism is still shite and so is your retarded non se...
[quote]Putin is a Christian[/quote] HAHAHAHA He is as much a Christian as Joe Biden. [quote]not a communist[/quote] Here we have Putin telling a good joke from his time in the KGB , a communist branch of government that went around beating farmers to death for hoarding their food during fam...
[quote]Putin is doing God's work in cleaning up the cesspool that is Ukraine[/quote] Imagine believing a communist dictator is God's messenger on earth. Lmfao, this is why Democrats keep winning ground with independent voters. Exactly this kind of shite. ...
[quote]Ukraine is owned by current communists[/quote] And that somehow makes Russia not being ruled by a communist dictator how ? I think someone needs a history lesson, communist have always killed one another. See example 1 Trotsky. ...

re: Russia just put sanctions on Biden

Posted by Alex777 on 3/15/22 at 4:58 pm
[quote]Maybe the tyrants will all sanction themselves to oblivion.[/quote] The world isn't that lucky and neither Biden nor Putin will feel those sanctions from the comfort of their multi millon mansions. ...
[quote]A: Ukraine militants were using it as military position B: Ukraine actually bombed it and blamed Russians in a false flag for their ongoing pity party campaign C: The building was never bombed, it is a clip from an 80's movie[/quote] I love how none of your answers considers RUssia...
[quote]At the end of the day, it comes down to "the enemy of my enemy," and it's no more complicated than that. Well... for some people, that's too much of an ask, apparently.[/quote] That only works when the enemy of your enemy is not also your enemy, which Putin is. ...
[quote]Just so happens he believes the same things CNN believes about Russia[/quote] Does CNN believe that Russia is an expansionist power trying to win power through economic dependency ? Does CNN believe in harsh economic sanctions against Russia to keep them from growing strong ? Oh wait. That...
[quote]think he is referring to the “new world order” as the left’s form of “democracy” that they are trying to force on everyone.[/quote] Which is also dumb, because Putin has clearly rigged elections in his own country. If anything he agrees with democrats on most of their platform. [b]Especial...