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Registered on:11/1/2007
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If you think 2016 was bad, wait till 2020.

Unfortunately, this is the truth.

Do I detect the soft bigotry of voter suppression in your post. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

And your dumb arse doesn’t even realize you are proving his point. You are a tard!

re: Xochitl Hinojosa Is Awful

Posted by Douboy on 9/5/19 at 9:10 am

Is she Aztec?

She is definitely full of virtue and some other things that rhyme with bull shite.

Xochitl Hinojosa Is Awful

Posted by Douboy on 9/5/19 at 9:08 am
The DNC communications director Xochitl Hinojosa is just awful. I laugh every time she is on Fox, but at the same time, she is a prime example of how much the liberals freak out and lie about everything. And she isn't even hot.

Seems like the DNC could do better than this woman and Looney Toons P
It blows my mind that people don't understand what he meant. To think that Mexico was going to write a check for the total of the wall is just retarded.

Apparently this board still doesn't understand the First Amendment.

It’s amazing that idiots like you want to be sensored by big tech liberal nerds. And do you not know about the protection YouTube receives, by law, for being classified as a platform and not a publisher? When was t

re: Second Punt Return - No Targeting

Posted by Douboy on 9/2/19 at 9:07 pm


I thought so as well. Does a flag have to be thrown to trigger the immense review? Don’t they have people off site reviewing targeting calls?

Second Punt Return - No Targeting

Posted by Douboy on 9/2/19 at 8:48 pm
By last years standards, the hit on 24 during the 2nd punt return would have been targeting with an ejection. Are the rules changing again?

re: Ivanka got a new haircut

Posted by Douboy on 9/2/19 at 7:35 pm

He’d rather see Michelle’s junk swinging on the Ellen Show

Lol, it’s mind boggling, isn’t it?!?!

He's kinda right. The Bahamas don't have much to offer, other than being a tourist trap.

Yet people mock the President for wanting to acquire a mineral rich piece of land in a strategic location. Go figure.

re: Trump lie of the week

Posted by Douboy on 9/1/19 at 1:12 pm

Trump said his administration had spoken with China (he didnt), but his aides say he intended to boost the markets with the comments. And China said the calls never happened.

Do you even realize how stupid this makes you look? Obviously not.
Cuccinelli has been wrecking liberal media fools. He is fun to listen to.

re: Gary Landrieu drops N word on radio

Posted by Douboy on 8/30/19 at 1:32 pm
Imagine if that word was used in rap music how accessible it would be the rest of the planet. Oh wait....

I have no sympathy for the word considering how widely it is used by non whites. If it is that bad, nobody should use it.

re: Game Moved to SEC Network

Posted by Douboy on 8/30/19 at 10:33 am

Sorry you're poor

Hahah! I’ve been waiting on this one. How about I buy a night with your girl? What’s the price? Trust me, I can afford her and your mom.

re: Game Moved to SEC Network

Posted by Douboy on 8/30/19 at 10:10 am
You would be wrong. Why would my age matter? Congratulations on being a dumb arse.

re: Game Moved to SEC Network

Posted by Douboy on 8/30/19 at 8:42 am

Who gives a shite?

People that don’t pay the SEC for their crappy network.

Game Moved to SEC Network

Posted by Douboy on 8/29/19 at 11:49 pm
That sucks!

His patience with these frickers is impressive.

Doesn’t matter when you win so much. No need to worry about stone cold losers.