Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Number of Posts:170
Registered on:7/21/2021
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When you stop the elephant walk with him, we can move on, Cletus....
Cletus being cletus and blacks being scared of the govt with needles (for historical reasons) mostly. Then there's also a chunk of people that are just lazy and another chunk that are trying to sort info from misinfo....
You could, y'know, just admire the view and not smack her arse if your aren't with her....
It's okay, people can keep egging him on....
I got my trophies fair and square through sweat of actual winning, not this tiger blood and Trump nonsense, but it was good talking to you friend....
Science, of course, and Musicals. You should really google my name and ponder open my achievements....
Oh I was right on the mark, guy. ...
Registered Republican, homie. Where the gays stay in the airport bathrooms toetapping....
Your mewling for civil war is noted. They burned down their own areas and really messed up the cause for demilitarizing police. So they took as dramatically awful a swing. As for Obama, I for one, chuckled at the pearl clutching over chimp cartoons after 8 years of Bush the Chimp in every other p...
And? He's a politician. Sometimes it's a shoe, sometimes it's a rotten vegetable, sometimes it's an egg. If you got a problem throwing get up to speed on the rascal and then release. Practice makes perfect....
Since you took offense I guess you're in it, buddy....
Y'all took a swing on Jan 6 and one bullet stopped it. Look, I condone the harassment of politicians both campaigning and in office as a matter of course to keep em humble, especially without term limits. But Elder got scared off of his photo op by a bitch on bike with a couple eggs. That's t...
The only honest answer. One has the plantation and the other tries to "my black friend" any middle class negro they can attach an R to....
[img]https://stallonezone.com/zone/2003/z090503arniegg.jpg[/img] It's a Cali tradition either you take off your jacket and keep campaigning or you act like a bitch....
This is what happens when your country is settled by the religious wackos. You get puritanism hanging on in odd ways and Mormon con men. It's not a shared Western sentiment to go ew over some tits or bush. Europe, seeing some tits out sunbathing is just a normal day in the park....
Echo chamber that refuses to learn to read. Which is why they continue to suck shite and still pretend they are in the know. [img]https://c.tenor.com/R-KIbVzBhx8AAAAC/south-park-human-centipede.gif[/img] But [img]https://i.imgflip.com/5igjcj.jpg[/img] ...
Oh shite he posted it and didn't bother to read it. [quote][b]Between 11th–25th June 2021 (week 7–8 after dose 2), 69 healthcare workers were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.[/b] 62 participated in the clinical study. 49 were (pre)symptomatic with one requiring oxygen supplementation. All recovered...
You misunderstood the study that was on. It was a comparison between the original strain unvaccinated vs Delta in vaccinated people and the viral load. Unvaccinated Delta viral loads are several times higher than vaccinated Delta infected. Y'all would understand this is you would actually dig...