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Location:Want some Chad?
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smoke a joint or pop a gummy, then grab a beer and chill.
hit back at it tomorrow. get better, thats the most important thing. Everything else is just noise.

re: Blues Brothers Thread

Posted by beaver retriever on 3/17/21 at 7:28 am
“A lot of space in this mall”

further down the lineage was a general who before receiving that title was a folk legend as a young boy blowing up enemy bunkers by running up to them with grenades

Your great grandfather carried grenades to enemy bunkers as a young boy?
Where did you play college ball?
Dr. Swole would have provided some details.
[quote]honestly I have good genes, I also developed really good taste in what I consume.

myself an NCAA athlete, father and three uncles as well.

grandfather was paid for his sport and defied requests to stay stateside, instead stormed Normandy on D-Day.

further down the lineage was a gener
you too. glad you are doing well
Hes doing great and is also a huge B52 fan. He was at this show and can be seen clearly at the 5:52 mark.
He fainted from heat exhaustion after the set. When the ambulance arrived, he refused treatment because he was afraid he would be admitted to the hospital and would miss the next B52 gig at the Illinois State Fair.
Its been a while. I come here for all of the scientific data presented on Covid-19. Everyone is very well researched.
Secretive and aloof, not much is known about Circus Child except his love of the B52's.
The following video from May 29, 2008 shows a glimpse into his psyche and just how close to the edge he lives:


He is hard to miss at the fol
Now that’s just rude.
My uncle is a great man. Former sailor who really takes care of me.
Long time. I have been really busy with my uncle. He has me burning the candle at both ends!
Plus, tons of squat thrusts and protein shakes. My arse is tired.

And why do you have The Knight as your avatar?

that's my uncle bathing his show dogs

Also, why do you smell so bad?

think it's your mom's remnants

Who runs with a shirt? Do you also have knee high socks?

AWESOME post. You sound like a solid dude.
I have tried everything. Soaking in vinegar, leaving in the sun to dry, washing multiple times. Nothing seems to work.
I had that exact brand of tape freshman year in college. It was labeled UWD.
Use With Discretion.
I dropped a lot of panties to that mix.

re: Suit thread of the day

Posted by beaver retriever on 9/26/14 at 11:28 am

I can't get off rack because the drop from chest to pant is over 10".

Do you pray for threads about suits so you can post this?

Alice in Chains already had a hit with Man in the Box before Nevermind hit and Soundgarden was already gaining steam by then too.

Plus, Stone Temple Pilots suck.