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Registered on:1/21/2021
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[quote]for high end restaurant 120k can be easy for an experienced waiter, hell Commanders in New Orleans has waiters making that and struggling to fill it's staff. Now most don't make 120k a year and are closer to 60-70k having to work doubles and pretty much every Friday/Saturday[/quote] I both...
Asians ---> Strong family culture, strong work ethic, little victimhood mentality. This for some reason infuriates left wingers. Jews/Israel ---> Just want to stay alive and not be blown out of existence. This also infuriates left wingers. Is there something I'm missing here?...

re: Shrevecago and 3 Mass shootings

Posted by Winterbush on 4/20/21 at 7:57 am
I remember in 2005 Shreveport Democrat activists put together weekly events during the summer called "Super Safe Sunday". They were supposed to be a fun left wing utopia "get together" event for people in the hood. They were promptly cancelled after multiple mass shootings in a row. ...
Mitch's nephew, Mary Landrieu's son, was arrested for getting drunk and beating his toddler (no hyperbole). I wonder where someone in the Landrieu family learned such behavior? [link=(https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/crime_police/article_1f315b59-55a3-5a31-b849-ac357cb481ff.html#:~:t...
Liberals love rape and sexual assault. They only pretend to get upset when someone not on their side is accused of it. We're talking about people who for years ran interference for Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein, Les Moonves, Louis CK, Tavis Smiley, Kevin Spacey,...
The New Orleans Police Department spokesman Aaron Looney (a public figure) is a millennial white woke radical BLM supporter. Google it. You can find him online easily enough and confirm. When a POC Biden supporter ambushed a Caucasian NOPD officer in the French Quarter and shot him in the face w...
Imagine waking up every day to mainstream social media telling you that white people are evil. That systemic racism is absolutely responsible for everything wrong in your life. Now imagine this, when you've lost your short NFL career, saved zero money and are failing at life. As long as left wingers...
Normal nuclear families. Asian People who are successful without welfare and who own businesses. Asian people who get into "top" colleges. People who work consistently and provide for themselves. People who go to church. People that leave left wing shithole areas and take their tax base/...
White left wingers REALLY hate people of color who get out of their lane and don't vote Democrat. You would probably see an online cadre of these guys calling Herschel Walker a white supremacist, Uncle Tom, crazy, house help, etc. Pretty standard white left wing stuff. ...
Gulags for Democrats. ...
I love that when a Republican gets laid, left wingers suddenly turn into 80 year old Southern baptist grandmas in a knitting circle, clutching their pearls and being floored that someone did the dirty sex thing. ...

re: Shrevecago is out of control

Posted by Winterbush on 3/30/21 at 3:04 pm
I grew up in Shreveport, living off Ellerbe. Moved to highland in my mid 20's and was almost killed in a home invasion robbery by a nice ghetto gentleman. My childhood best friend was murdered and buried off Flournoy Lucas in a shallow grave, SPD worked that case for about two days before giving up....
[quote]Democrats are truly charitable when no one is looking.[/quote] :lol: :lol: :lol:...
For example: Democrats are always very quiet in the movie theater. Democrats are very calm and do not like crime. Democrats like to work long hours and are overall very hard workers. ...
I played in a lot of regionally popular indie rock bands ages ago. I was pretty much surrounded by left wingers and male feminist types. Those dudes were always the most rapey and weird people, way moreso than the fratty types. To this day 25 years later, whenever I see some dude constantly spouting...
I love that left wingers shite their pants because they can't deal with a woman's opinion. ...
Cardi B looks like her breath smells like cat shite. Seriously. ...
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/J7ZvWQ5Z/B92-FB7-A2-E5-BF-4-E03-B79-C-517-CD0-D1961-F.jpg[/img] Can anyone imagine wanting to hook up with a shrew like AOC? She would probably start preaching about not wanting to give a blowjob and turn it into some civil rights struggle in the bedroom. ...
[quote]Wasn't there a similar case several years ago (maybe pre-Katrina) where a SWP (Southern White Princess) SJW was in NOLA to help the down-trodden minorities and was murdered, or maybe disappeared. Her friends blamed "capitalists" for her demise.[/quote] It's happened so many times in the la...
[quote]she put her thoughts into positive action, getting positive results.[/quote] Getting herself killed because she wanted to date a rapist on parole (because wokeness) isn't a positive result. ...