Favorite team:LSU 
Location:I 20 West
Biography:I Read it on the Internet
Interests:All Things Good
Occupation:Essential Employee
Number of Posts:131
Registered on:11/19/2020
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You mean if the Republicans in charge would have done their job and defended instead of aftermath cleanup this wouldn't have happened. I give you props for serving our country!! You don't have to be a dick about it tho...
Hype move? How bout threats oh and the selfie crew inserection prior. Guess the military is too tough, especially to all the keyboard warriors. ...
So, now someone intentionally gave them covid? Now the story grows. Again, why were they put there? Thats the reason all of this started....
Lol, voting like an adult? Its 2021 and voting is like 1970. I can pay taxes, bills, anything online, but I am supposed to go & stand outside for sometimes hours to electronically vote? You still put stamps on and mail all your bills? Still write checks too?...
They slept on the floor inside the night prior, outside the next night is too much tho. Thx to all for serving our country, but we know why they were put under these conditions to begin with. So Holla at ya boys for that....
Just because you have a Bible & go to church(peob don't) doesn't make you a good person. Im just not down with organized religion, doesn't mean I don't believe in God. Science is proven, the Bible is a bunch of stories rewritten many times by men. Which Bible is correct? ...
Voting should be that simple...

re: 4375 killed yesterday

Posted by Foot2theflo on 1/21/21 at 3:39 pm
"I believe" "its not 400K" So, its official ...
TRuth, science, & not political. Complete opposite of the previous inept administration. Biden Inherited a Mess, sound familiar?...
Spicers first presser he spent talking about crowd size. Because size matters apparently to you know who...
I'd think South La & Texas would hope it does go up to at least $60 a barrel to keep working. ...
Rafael shows up anywhere with a camera, can't embarass that guy. No shame in his game at all...
Look, its an ole fashion daily press briefing. Jen Pakistan says to speak truth, even if the truth hurts. Will see ...
What? Obama was gun salesman of the year several times, You know who got that honor a few times too. Notice the pattern? We all have plenty & NOBODY is gonna take your guns or bibles from you!...
Explain in proven facts first the corruption from Biden. ...
Thief in Chief, gutter Trash wife & most corrupt POTUS just stepped off the plane in Florida And Terrible human being at that. You got it twisted....

re: Biden's initial executive orders

Posted by Foot2theflo on 1/20/21 at 10:39 am
Over the last 4 years, like every norm broken by you know who. As well as acting cabinet positions. I hope Biden learned how to bypass norms too....
Right, so when the consumers are fine paying double for products MIC there you go. Thats why Amazon/Walmart make billions. Oh, and you need to pay employees at least minimum wage to provide these services. China pays less for more. Min wage is too much & will hurt small biz? ...
You are boring & can't get away from China no matter what in this Global economy....
Lol, guess you showed them. Guess you are off the grid too? How are those MRE's? I enjoyed some Chinese crayfish etoufe for the Saints game...