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Perot Conservative

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Number of Posts:4
Registered on:7/21/2020
Online Status:Not Online

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He doesn't hug everybody. But trying to schlep his own clothing line with the heart emblem - wearing the gear on other episodes - too frequently. The coconut salesman program was a wasted episode. Can't trademark the coconut....
Forget Huber; all hat, no cattle. His alleged reason for being inactive was to wait on OIG Michael Horowitz's report? Ridiculous. Here is my list of known attorneys and support personnel. 1. John Durham (CT) / SpyGate 2. John Bash (West Tx) / Unmasking 3. Jeff Jensen** (StL M NKO) / Gen Flyn...
There have been over a dozen attorneys identified working with / for John Durham. For 99% it is information overload. I knew about Bash, no secret. But don't expect the complicit MSM to inform you....
Joe diGenova's batting average has jumped. Recent items he was proven correct on include: 1. Inspector Michael Atkinson was booted. 2. Anonymous was identified. 3. Anonymous was booted from the White House. 4. Ric Grenell was (is) an effective street fighter. 5. Ric Grenell published a number...