Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:LSU '96
Number of Posts:13182
Registered on:9/20/2007
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Tabasco has a bad vinegar to pepper ratio. It’s for Yankees and Southern Baptists. You gotta go with da Crystals. ...
Just pretend to be homeless for the day. Problem solved. ...
It’s another ism - narcissism. Raising a child and especially children means you have to sacrifice something of yourself, your time, and your money. Brunch Saturdays and Sundays tend to disappear. Today’s modern woman doesn’t have the capacity to be focused on anything but self. ...
[quote]Because he’s a potato[/quote] This. His mid-stage dementia had gone to far to hide anymore and it has caused him to be extremely unlikely to win. So they had to anoint a replacement. ...

re: Less than one month ago

Posted by Pax Regis on 7/24/24 at 7:16 pm
Dems are weak minded emotional misfits who lacking critical thinking capacity. ...

re: Is this really a live broadcast?

Posted by Pax Regis on 7/24/24 at 7:14 pm
Why is Pedo Joe whispering to me like he wants to know if it’s going to be my place or his?...

re: Biden may step down

Posted by Pax Regis on 7/24/24 at 7:11 pm
That cocksucker isn’t going anywhere ...

re: Is this really a live broadcast?

Posted by Pax Regis on 7/24/24 at 7:09 pm
Is he drunk? He’s slurring words like he’s done a few shots of tequila. ...
Yes and it’s the only thing keeping the Democrats from putting the Deplorables in gulags. You know they would if they could. ...
I love some cottage cheese. I’ll eat it all by itself. Sprinkle some black pepper on it and that is some FINE EATING. ...
Must have been one of those military grade assault pots of war. frick this guy. Ridiculous ...

re: A 90’s classic Tiger Stadium cup

Posted by Pax Regis on 7/22/24 at 6:59 pm
I drank many a Jack and coke in the student section out of those cups. Later it was just Jack. ...
Dems gave Biden COVID that’s going to kill him. It’ll generate sympathy for their side. Only way to rebut the sympathy the assassination attempt gave Trump. ...
How many lot lizards have you hooked up with?...
[quote]hunting rifle can make that shot just as easily as an AR15, maybe easier.[/quote] Had a real hunting rifle been used Trump would likely be dead. The AR 15 is not a weapon of choice for precision sniping at range even just 150 yards. ...
[quote]" we do not know at this time how the individual accessed the roof"[/quote]. If they don’t know this by now someone should be fired. That is not hard to ascertain. ...
The Obamas. They are actually pretty good at it. The Clintons are bumblefrick rubes without Bill’s charisma and Jim Carville. Barack knows how to work one or two steps away. ...