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Registered on:6/15/2020
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If Trump IS reelected and doesn't put an end to this madness, then it's Katie bar the door for America....
They'll be canceling attendees photographed at his rallies soon....
[quote]Just Confederate statues![/quote] Exactly. And it won't end with Washington statues either....
And when white flight happens, they'll be begging us to save them from the chaos they created. That or they'll simply follow us to whichever prosperous country we migrate to and eventually transform it into a shithole....
How has it affected me? One of my friends (ex-cop and a good man) lost his job for voicing his support for law enforcement on Facebook. All he posted was "I stand with police" along with the blue flag. He was the breadwinner of his household with a twelve and nine year old. We live in a fairly red a...
Start it. Isolate them. Send in the drones....
[link=(https://www.foxnews.com/politics/duluth-minnesota-mayor-remove-chief-microaggresion.amp)]LINK[/link] [quote]Minnesota mayor calls for city to remove ‘chief’ from city job titles because it’s 'offensive' [/quote] [quote]Alicia Kozlowski, Duluth’s community relations officer, told the ...
fricking ridiculous. And he's the type the media would glorify if shot by the police (which one can only hope)....
[quote]Melt: hour 6[/quote] Signed, Sky screamers on an epic four year melt who are burning cities, stealing from businesses, beating innocent people, wrecking statues and causing employment terminations over "mean tweets". ...

re: Using big words is racist...

Posted by BarackWTrump on 6/18/20 at 11:58 pm
[quote]That has to be satire ?[/quote] Liberalism is satire....
We need a fricking plague and we needed that shite yesterday....
I hate the cuck side of Donald Trump, but honestly, do you guys think he's merely holding back because of the election? I have a feeling if he's reelected, he'll turn into a madman like we've never seen before, going balls to the wall on these scumbags. I get it: a lot is at stake, especially with t...
Scatter and splatter. Then await my execution from our liberal justice department....

re: Can you imagine recruiting now?

Posted by BarackWTrump on 6/18/20 at 9:47 pm
[quote]All cops can go frick themselves,and that has nothing to do with blm [/quote] Then I encourage you to take a stroll through the hood tonight. If you can make it one mile without begging for a police officer to save you, then you've earned the right to say frick tHe PoLiCe!!!...

re: Can you imagine recruiting now?

Posted by BarackWTrump on 6/18/20 at 9:45 pm
[quote]It's easy to see you're just another racist who can't see the forest for the tree. You want everyone to ignore all that they see and let it slide.[/quote] Well, if laughing at a group of unhinged degenerates who are burning cities down, looting businesses dry and assaulting innocent people...
Left a one star review on Yelp and Google accusing Eddy Perez, the CEO, of racism against Asians. Fight fire with fire....
Just left a one star review on Yelp (from a Russian bot account so to any liberal lurkers, don't waste your time by trying to dox me). Off to Google now......
[quote]Miz Donna???  @mizdonna  Tucker just reported that Atlanta Officer Rolfe's stepmother was fired from her HR job at Equity Prime Mortgage in Atlanta.  She was told. "We have to terminate our relationship with you."  So we are punishing relatives now?  This is not America. This is especi...