Favorite team:Detroit Mercy
Biography:Was born. Haven't died yet.
Interests:Stuff. Some other stuff. Not that stuff over there, though, that stuff sucks.
Number of Posts:5
Registered on:4/29/2020
Online Status:Not Online

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I have relatives in Staten Island. I haven't heard any riot-related venting, but quarantine-related venting, plenty. They were already more likely to go to New Jersey than the rest of the city. But where they were, there were almost as many people who were essential workers as not. So quarantine was...
Don't know if anyone's interested, since I DID spot that this is an older thread. But this is a mirrored video form Bombard's Body Language youtube channel, which got nuked a while ago. Her take on what's going on with him is interesting. https://youtu.be/osL1u3dJsos Bombard is on bitchute now, B...
Makes Trump look worse, plus it keeps Biden off the campaign trail, which lowers the odds of him taking his teeth out on a stage somewhere or just wandering off to sniff someone....

re: Michigan Governor

Posted by Dingus Khan on 4/30/20 at 1:21 pm
She looks like the evil queen from Snow White......
[quote]but has sent operatives to look through records[/quote]Translation: his handlers asked him what might be in there, he couldn't tell them what he had for breakfast, so they had to go look at them. Wouldn't it be funny if there was nothing about Tara Reade, but something else, like about the...