Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:35
Registered on:2/19/2020
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]Eat an armadillo...I dare raw...I dare you [/quote] Let's eat it together :cheers:...
Dont people across the south eat squirrels and nutria?...
Surely you can find a more pleasant topic to share..surely...
[quote]Lsujacket66[/quote] You are correct. The truth is a pill everyone wants to take, but no one can swallow. ...
[quote]beerJeep[/quote] [quote]I hit you You hit floor Ambulance hits 60[/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ME5VYoR.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Nothing can stop whats coming[/quote] Its called a recession...
Ok, it "affects your life". Whats the worst case scenario?...
[quote]Erin Go Bragh[/quote] So the goal is reciprocity, which is fair. Why not just refuse to export goods to those countries. They probably need our goods more than we need theirs. We have all the power, but politicians and corporations are hellbent on economic growth at all costs. The estab...
Can you explain? Genuinely curious. Which situation are you referring to?...
This wouldn't be an issue, if people like you would stop posting about it all the time....
I thought conservatives liked free markets. :dunno: ...
How does the existence of Trans people affect you personally? Other than giving you a reason to feign outrage....
[quote]Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, [/quote] So according to your own scripture people who try to live a "godly" life get punished, and you want this? You want to be persecuted. ...