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Registered on:1/18/2020
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You calling Staley a racist shows your high level of stupidity and ignorance. But not at all surprised....

re: O unraveled BUT

Posted by Dtdtdtdt on 10/20/21 at 6:18 am
If you wanted to remove any doubt that you lack intelligence, you just did. ...
I can understand that you want me to shut up. ...
Is it exhausting to keep reading the bigoted posts about the players, the new L.S.U. president, the already endless posts about Mel Tucker, etc. I would hope that it is and that you have the integrity to call these pitiful people for who they are. BTW, I called them racists because that is in fact w...
You're telling him to get out of here because you are the typical racist L.S.U. fan that only sees these players for what they do on the field. You and others that talk this stupidity about the players and the new president as many have, make it clear who you are. You, and those like you are the one...
The truth hurts, doesn't it. Once, again you're mad not because of my bullshite but because it's the truth. Nuff said....
Even when people like you try to be subtle in your racism and bigotry, it still is obvious. I don't blame any black player for not wanting to play here. You demean and bash players wanting to leave while at the same time you see Joe Burrow as a hero. For the people for whom it fits, you are simply a...
Donald Trump dodged the draft FIVE times but you love him. That is the absolute largest form of hypocrisy ever. I wonder how some of you people live with yourselves. ...