Favorite team:West Virginia 
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Registered on:12/31/2019
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re: Amount of cash in checking account?

Posted by grsharky on 6/17/24 at 3:50 pm
As little as possible. We keep the bulk of our "cash" in high yield savings, ibonds, and a money market account. It's working for me in those areas where as checking it's doing nothing. If I have to move some cash into checking I can do it easily from the HYSA and move on....
His number seems way to low, but with that being said, I feel like a lot of places tell people they need to have way more money than they'll ever need in retirement. If you put away 10%-15% a year of your pretax salary for a longtime, you'll most likely have a good retirement without many worries. ...

re: "Major League" Movie

Posted by grsharky on 5/22/24 at 11:29 am
Pete Vuckovich is from our area and the baseball field at Conemaugh Valley is named for him. It was always fun to quote Major League when we played there. Most of the kids in the area who play baseball have met him at different functions, really nice guy....
I know the wife of the guy from PA really well, she dated one of my best friends back in high school and college. He’s a good guy and they’ve been going through a nightmare since he was detained down there. I don’t know how she’s holding it together with two young kids and going through this....
It does seem like the number of young people getting cancer is going up and there are numbers to support that. With that being said social media really amplifies how much you see about it. I’ll see a Facebook post from someone I haven’t talked to since college and they have a go fund me for a person...

re: Annoying modern day sports-isms

Posted by grsharky on 5/15/24 at 3:55 am
“Eye test”, hate it....
That’s a pretty broad generalization. I know plenty of women with no kids who seem very fulfilled and happy and I know women with kids who’re miserable. Why can’t people just live their lives the way they see fit. We all have to live with our decisions, at the end of the day we all need to do what’s...
[quote]And yet American women have never been less happier, less fulfilled, more lonely, more riddled with psychological issues, more depressed, etc than they are right now. Replacing loving and natural relationships with a “ I am woman hear me roar” box of empty platitudes, a team of therapists and...
My 5th great grandfather was James Calhoun and his brother was....John C Calhoun. So I guess you could say my family was close to history since Calhoun was involved in so many things from 1812-1850. My dad had a bunch of Calhoun family papers and he gave them to Clemson or the group that runs Calh...
[quote]why have kids you're going to give someone else to raise? that's what a mom is for, to mother. nobody can mother your kid but their mother. you shouldn't have kids if you're just gonna stick 'em in day care.[/quote] Because nobody would have kids if they had to depend on just one income fo...
[quote]Hey dumb frick, you remember 07-08 when the current Mid 30's Millennials were graduating college and looking to get on the ladder? You dumb fricks pulled it up. But not only did you pull it up, you also ran policy to save your old asses at the expense of the same group who now faced the w...
My one buddy was head of the inventory department for a drilling equipment company here in PA. He made good money but was laid off back in 2015 when the company was downsizing, he was 33 at the time and they gave him a big severance package. He went to work in the warehouse for a medical supply co...
We get paid bimonthly so I never get that third monthly paycheck twice a year, but my wife got hers today! We base our budgets off of each of us getting paid twice a month so when he she gets that third monthly pay it always feels like a bonus even though it really isn't. We'll probably use it...

re: What amount do you save per month?

Posted by grsharky on 3/6/24 at 12:31 pm
Ours varies from month to month, there are so many factors at play. We put aside 15-20% a year into retirement accounts, some money each month into 529s, and I'm not exactly sure what percentage we put aside per month into just regular savings. There are some months where we put a lot in becau...
I can't speak for the parallels between 1776 and 2024, because they're not exactly the same scenarios. However, I can tell you that after the Revolution the American people had such little faith in the national currency that many states issued their own money. As you can imagine that led to a lot ...

re: Stupid Things Said to Women

Posted by grsharky on 3/2/24 at 11:04 am
Was messing around with this girl one night and went to take her bra off and she brushed me hand away and I said, “are you Amish or something…?”. And that was the end of that....
Not problem, glad to help!...
[quote]Any textbooks or books(non-fiction and historical fiction) you’d recommend?[/quote] Sure, no problem! 1. 1776 by David McCullough. Great overview of the entire year leading up to Trenton and how bad it got for the Americans. Not overly long and an easy read. 2. Washington's Crossing...
In a way it did, the American war effort was at a pretty low point at the end of 1776. Washington had been routed on Long Island and all the way up Manhattan Island and chased across Jersey to PA. The army was melting away and a lot of enlistments were up on 1/1/1777. He needed to do something to...

re: The ACC is about crumble

Posted by grsharky on 2/18/24 at 7:38 am
[quote]#24 in the country at 7-6....in 2023 Right behind Arkansas and ahead of Ole Miss. And bout 13k more than WVU... And if you want to compare to SEC and Big 10, these are the schools we had better attendance: Ole Miss, Kentucky, Missouri, Purdue, Oregon, Miss St, Illinois, Rutgers, Minne...