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Jimbo Fisher or Bust

Posted by Philly2SC on 10/17/21 at 6:55 pm
If LSU AD was smart... he would throw EVERY RESOURCE and connection, and $$ he could to entice Jimbo to come to LSU, and here's why: 1) Recruiting - Jimbo could out-recruit $aban in the great state of Florida (see Jameis Winston), and now being at TAMU... Jimbo has established connections in the ...
[quote]And we lost to UCLA.[/quote] UCLA would finish third in the $EC, after UGA and Bama....

re: What about Dan Mullen???

Posted by Philly2SC on 10/17/21 at 6:40 pm
[quote]Dan Mullen is an arrogant joke.[/quote] How is he arrogant?!?!? He gave Meyer all of the credit for the 2008 Natty...

What about Dan Mullen???

Posted by Philly2SC on 10/17/21 at 5:42 pm
Yall fired Les due to his ineptness at offensive innovation.... Last i checked Mullen = OFFENSIVE genius. How much is Florida paying Mullen? I'm sure if you're able to match O's salary, he will put in his 2-weeks notice at UF tomorrow....
never said O was USC's #1 target... you just should not terminate a coach after 1 bad season after he brings you a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP and the GOAT LSU team in 2019...
HATE TO SAY IT... but lack of job security from an impatient , knee-jerk fanbase will hurt even a prestigious, top-tier $EC program. WHAT UP-AND-COMING coach would want to come to Baton Rouge after 1 BAD SEASON?!?!? (Coach O gets mulligan for COVID year)... Unfortunately, candidates like Fickell and...
All I can say is.... Firing a Coach 1.5 Years after a NC and LSU's GOAT 2019 team is a HUGGGE mistake from a TYPICAL impatient SEC fanbase, SMH. Think about this folks... what LEGIT up-and-coming coach will want to coach at LSU if they're on the HOT SEAT after ONE bad season?!?!? Coach O should ...