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Posted by S17Tiger on 11/30/07 at 9:35 am
To me, the best one are those that know someone in a doctor's office who swears that every coach's wife in the country is switching OB/GYNs in Ann Arbor, Tuscaloosa, BR, Auburn, College Station, Lincoln, etc....

re: Paul Johnson

Posted by S17Tiger on 11/30/07 at 9:21 am
[quote]This something bilj and i have said no fewer then 6000 times on this board. i just sont think people are ever gonna get it. [/quote] You don't think he has more say in this hire than Joe Dean had in the hiring of Saban?...

re: Paul Johnson

Posted by S17Tiger on 11/30/07 at 9:20 am
[quote]They think that if the coach is coaching somewhere outside the traditional confederate boundaries, that they must suck and not have any 'SEC qualifications'.[/quote] WTF are you talking about? Being "out of left field" just means that they haven't been prominently mentioned and aren't "...

re: Paul Johnson

Posted by S17Tiger on 11/30/07 at 9:18 am
[quote]I also really really like Greg Chiano at Rutgers. [/quote] He's being primed to take over for JoePa. If we did hire him, I would want some sort of Miles/Michigan buyout for PSU, but something in the $5-10 million range....

re: Paul Johnson

Posted by S17Tiger on 11/30/07 at 9:10 am
I have no inside information, no connections, and no influence. But, I think we'll get someone like him, i.e., someone out of left field. This is Skip's M.O. No one thought about Miles when Saban left. And, most felt that we had been shortchanged with Miles and that we should have gone after...
Under this idiots plan, I wonder how many scholarships Bumma would have lost last year with all the "tampering" it did with other school's coaches -- only to be turned down time after time!!!...
[quote]Les will prove that LSU is nothing more than a stepping stone program for more money.[/quote] At least our coaches leave for the pros, $5 million/year, and their Alma Maters - which just happens to be the winningest program in NCAA history. Your coaches leave for f_cking eaTme!!! :rot...
"I remember when we won the SEC Championship like it was yesterday......" "No, Virginia ... wearing khakis and a Brooks Brothers shirt does not mean that you have class." ...