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Favorite team:Louisiana Tech 
Location:High Plains Drifter
Number of Posts:973
Registered on:9/3/2019
Online Status:Not Online

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I’m not mad about anything. Stop replying to me then. Dude. ...
I just gave my opinion and you don’t like it. I didn’t demand anything. ...
Ahhh yes the proverbial don’t read them and then followed it up with a “Karen”. You got me bro. ...
[quote]ronricks[/quote] When he’s not to busy imparting knowledge on big dicks my guy is spitting knowledge on big interest rates! ...
They always call to tell me about someone dying or someone they ran into the other day that told them to tell me hi. ...
[quote]Although ultimately I'm most disappointed in JJ.[/quote] This I really don't get. It is as if some or most people correlate on field performance, college attended, etc. with good morale character. In the end, athletes are fallible humans. I would never be disappointed in someone that ...
[quote]I grew up with sisters. They were going through the list one day and telling me the ones (either in high school or college) who had abortions. I was taken back. That, and most had parents that never knew either. It’s always been a very common thing.[/quote] You post alot of stupid shite on ...
[quote]Not much for the conspiracy theories but if she is not back to guarding Fritos by next month then the Biden Administration was in on it.[/quote] Just love how the Government is some how always competent enough to pull something like this off but pretty much sucks at everything else. K...
[quote]Overall, I think Louisiana’s DMVs are especially bad.[/quote] Dude, everything in LA is especially bad. The numbers say so. LA ranks statistically last in almost every measurable metric that truly matters and the new Gov has chosen to get those cultural war wins. Soooo.... it will cont...

re: TOPS Benefit

Posted by GhostofLesticleMiles on 7/8/24 at 3:50 pm
If the LA tax payer is paying for this, maybe a requirement of staying and working in state should be attached to the recipients. 2 years or more? ...
[quote] I echo much of this and would also like to add Graves may well have been picked to be the next head of the Transportation Committee. We've essentially traded that for Cleo Fields and, inexplicably, many posters here seem to see that as a win. [/quote] In general, the typical Louisiana...
[quote]"I'll never forget the spectacle of D-Day. It was thrilling and did we have a grandstand seat. Seeing the firing at dawn was a rare and beautiful sight. The whole import behind it was thrilling. I felt so proud and so happy, just to look under my wing to right or left, and see the ghostly out...
I would invite this "jounalist" to come on down and spend just a few hours on the North side of Florida and report back if they are able. ...
[quote]He thumps on his Bible to appeal to his constituents, meanwhile, his family is under investigation by the DEA for dumping opioids into the market. There is nothing noble about this dude, as is ALWAYS the case in this corrupt shithole of a state, follow the money.[/quote] You have a link? ...
[quote]Why not? What law in the state of Florida makes holding a gun in your own home while not committing a crime illegal?[/quote] Let me know how this works out for you if you should choose to do so, and report back with your findings if able. ...