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re: If Kamala is so amazing…

Posted by MidWestGuy on 7/25/24 at 1:48 pm
[quote]Blaming the world’s ills on single women is pretty stupid[/quote] Also need a link. Did you mean Eve?...
[quote]ImJustaBoy Leslie knew the future[/quote] Holy cow! Wife and I are in Grand Rapids on a short vacation. Visited the Gerald Ford Presidential Museum yesterday. Otherwise, I would have no idea what you were talking about. ...
[quote]Senate stands at 50-43 GOP with seven battlegrounds, but Democrats lead the polls in all seven battlegrounds. ... House is going to be close as well. ...[/quote] Scary. If the D's get the House, it could be another 4 years of 'impeachment'. Sad....
So much focus on POTUS race, but Trump needs the House and Senate. What are the projections there?...

re: Can Biden last 4 more years?

Posted by MidWestGuy on 7/19/24 at 10:40 am
I bet the Dem powers-that-be wish they would have crafted some medical excuse for him to step down a year or two ago, when they could have planned a recovery. Having Biden drop out now is really, really awkward for them. I know there are a % on each side that will vote their party no matter what....
[quote]His toddler granddaughter sitting on his lap so calm like that should prove to anyone that has had young kids or young grandkids that you can't fake that he is a doting grandfather. You can't get a little girl to fake comfort like that.[/quote] Yep, I'm a Grandpa. You can't fool a kid, the...

re: Alina Habba smokeshow

Posted by MidWestGuy on 7/18/24 at 7:29 pm
[quote]Imagine if you were across the table from her in a legal negotiation. Just say “you win” and stagger out. [/quote] No, throw every delay tactic in the book, to spend more time in the room with her!...
Because another innocent person was killed, and others injured? I respect your beliefs, but if you are seriously asking this, that is a serious response. One could wonder, why not intervene a few seconds earlier? Then no one but the shooter may have been harmed. What's so hard to understand...
[quote]A cat walked across the 0 on the keyboard. [/quote] Four times!!!!...
Avg daily volume for $DJT is ~ 8 million, so a contract for 12M shares doesn't really make sense. Around 180M shares outstanding, if I divide market cap by ~$38 current price - still a large position. In that X thread, people are talking like an actual trade was placed in error, and then they bac...
[quote] quote: make Trump a 'martyr.' he is, by definition, a martyr. You don't have to make him one[/quote] Bravo! And this is why we have words. Words have meaning. Use them! :) ...
[quote]The fact that a 20 year old "kid" being out of the house for a few hours on a Saturday was something so peculiar as to raise an alarm to his parents to go so far as to alter the freaking police, probably says a good bit about this guy and his overall situation.[/quote] Absolutely! There [u...
It's not really a story w/o showing the shirt. Why not just show it, so we all know? It's click-bait w/o that. Maybe a story, maybe not. ...
[quote]Shooter got Trump with the 2nd shot[/quote] Right, this is all I'm saying. The path of the bullet shown doesn't seem to line up with the top of the ear. So it must have been a different bullet that hit him, right? Not sure why that seemed controversial to some others?...
Is that [u][b]THE[/b][/u] bullet? If you line it up, it's not in-line with the top of his ear. I guess it is another bullet? Were they that close together? Maybe?...

re: Rep Thompson fired staff member

Posted by MidWestGuy on 7/14/24 at 12:40 pm
[quote]Marsaw told the Natchez Democrat that she removed the post [u]after being asked to do so by a manager on Thompson’s staff.[/u] [u]“I got overwhelmed in the moment.[/u][/quote] Which is exactly why people like that should not hold any position of responsibility. [quote][u] I am a d...
[quote]Wouldnt the melt be great if this a-hole went to prison and Trump walks free and gets reelected.[/quote] And Trump says "I am considering giving Alec Baldwin a complete pardon, but.... NO."...
[quote] Baldwin knew he was holding a real gun. The 'prop gun' was real and it was known to everyone as such. That is why he's guilty. [/quote] That's the crazy thing. In this day and age, with CGI, they could use a prop gun, incapable of actually firing anything (even a blank, which can be dang...
But you don't make a meal of ketchup. I doubt the difference is meaningful in the context of a total diet....
You could put half the sugar in a coke and it would taste the same. https://www.heartandstroke.ca/articles/the-truth-about-juice [quote] An eight-ounce serving of juice and cola both contain about 30 grams of sugar on average — that's almost eight teaspoons. [/quote] Personally, I drin...