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Trump had an opportunity to say - if you wouldn't have destroyed the country in 3.5 years you wouldn't need to give tax breaks. If you wouldn't have let millions of illegals in and its costing hard working tax payers money, you wouldn't have to give tax breaks. his response on ukraine was good, ...
trump had opportunities and missed some....
SMH, someone should give a list of these to trump tonight and just read off. ...

re: Game 1 Fuaga

Posted by FMtTXtiger on 9/10/24 at 6:39 pm
Big guy will get a huge test this weekend. ...
i caught the tail end this am on cnbc before that clown came on. There were two business guys on explaining the value of tariffs, it was more than just money. Both seemed to be on the right side and intelligent. Wish that worm kid was working today, guess he was off. ...
MJ and the republicans better hold the line on this one. This determines the future. Trump - if you are for the border being closed, why did you let this happen the past 4 years and will you support the SAVE act? put that fake on the spot. ...
ANOTHER dagger for Trump to throw at harris. This is unacceptable anywhere....
Trump has some many topics to nail her on. ...
attach to the SAVE bill if you are illegal and you create a crime, you are out. Make the Dems own this and not support it, then throw it out there everywhere. This has to stop. ...

re: Olave ….where was he today ?

Posted by FMtTXtiger on 9/9/24 at 9:18 am
was pleased with TE play yesterday. ...
get the run game going and you can get more explosive play action. ...

re: O Line - Run blocking

Posted by FMtTXtiger on 9/3/24 at 7:23 pm
it wasn't good, but one issue i s when you run RPO and the QB never keeps, you are playing against 1 defender more in the box. Didn't help. ...
there was one where Nuss missed, he had some pressure on him but i was thinking he had someone crossing deep over the middle open but he hit i believe Taylor crossing shallow. ...
coaching coaching coaching play calling. said in another post, how do you respect the read option and not have Nuss run it. he needs to run it now and then. coaching...

re: 1st Take this morning

Posted by FMtTXtiger on 9/2/24 at 12:17 pm
My take - 1. we wont win too many games if we dont let Nuss run 4-5 times a game so they respect it. How do you run a read option and QB doesn't run? 2. to this game specifically, we had a chance to get 3-4 turnovers and i dont think we were able to get any. those opportunities are game c...
This is why rejecting that stupid bill was so important, it was just adding more cost and more illegals. This is just out of control on the wasteful spending we are doing. Meantime vets and seniors are struggling to live. Wake up republicans and fix this shet....
at least he is running out of the city slower than he does out of bounds. ...
on one hand, yes its good b/c its a tax on top of another tax that happened already, on the other hand, how many people dont pay income tax so they get another freebee. ...
I said we needed another run stuffer, this is a decent pickup. Wont move the needle but needed depth. ...
seems very cheap, im hearing old freon is a fortune b/c there is not much left. ...