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Doctor Strangelove

Favorite team:Mississippi St. 
Number of Posts:3072
Registered on:2/17/2018
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No Robert Reich? No care ! That guy has been on my bucket list for 37 years!!

re: Roger Wicker

Posted by Doctor Strangelove on 2/14/25 at 9:43 pm
That guy is one of the biggest RINO’s to ever be spawned in the DC swamp. He goes unnoticed by many but he votes with Dems way too much and tries to sugar coat his decisions with platitudes. I hope Elon finances a good candidate against him and other RINO’s in MS.
I got laid off in 2001 from a good, private sector job. I had a nest egg and started a business that took a year to get off the ground. No one from the government ever shed a tear for me or my family. It was actually a great thing in the long run. I have a feeling a lot of government workers don
They would be putting the ropes around their own necks. They, along with most Republicans, are the ones behind all this corruption and theft.
I identify as a black man and I couldn’t be happier with Coach Trump and the Dream Team.
We need Elon and Big Balls to go to each state and do a colonoscopy on their voting data, emails and voting machines.
Mr Gorbachev, (you dirty kraut), tear down this wall!

Whoopi is a scholar!
Elon and his tech wizards have done more for this country in 3 weeks than any politician in the last 100 years. Trump and Elon better have good security because the uniparty is being exposed hourly and they are desperate.
How will trans soldiers survive without makeup and accessories in their back packs?

What is the timeline of this 2.7 trillion? Like over how many years? It's awful no matter how many, just curious.

Over a period of 20 years. Only $236 billion in 2024.

Hopefully something really bad happens to the following: Elizabeth Warren Jamie Raskin Bernie Sanders Jasmine Crockett Stacy Plaskett

No Adam Schitt?
The Netflix re-writing of gender history has jumped the shark.
Will they have pork ribs and do I have to pay retail?
Her body language is screaming, “put a baby in my womb.”
It’s a tie between Adam Schiff and James Comey. Both are smarmy sphincters.
Oy Vey, we have a Hebrew head of hair der !
I read that J.Edgar Hoover bugged MLK’s hotel room and they recorded a sordid sexual interlude between King and Ralph Abernathy. JEH leaked the transcripts to various sources and they are available to the public. King has taken on such a demigod status that no one seems to care about his character.
Wicker, Guest, Hyde-Smith are all Republican RINO’s who do absolutely nothing to defend the country’s borders, freedoms or economic prosperity. They get on social media and take credit for what others have done or react negatively toward democrat victories while voting with them. They need to be p