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Location:Stonewall, LA
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Registered on:2/9/2007
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[quote]No, RFK is pulling more from the left than the right. It helps Trump more if he stays in the race rather than dropping out and endorsing him.[/quote]maybe a tad. But most polls show it's a push...
[quote]It’s in the 900 page document which you have to google. I’m probably misspeaking saying they want to “ban” IVF, but they want to enact laws that make it legally untenable to do.[/quote]politifact disagrees with your assumptions. [link=(https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/jul/24/...
[quote]But the fountain of all power and authority in the nation has always been the People.[/quote]sadly, this will be our downfall. Our system works well until the people no longer know the opposite of freedom and don't want power...
[quote]I'm sure the girl didn't have her mind changed, but looks like the other 2 women weren't on that train with her.[/quote]that's what i noticed. The others looked at her with disgust. Gives me hope. ...

re: Mortgage delinquencies

Posted by SportTiger1 on 7/25/24 at 8:16 am
This is the most non shocking thing I've ever seen. Let's give low credit borrowers loans and then act surprised when they default. ...

re: Facts are stubborn things

Posted by SportTiger1 on 7/25/24 at 7:50 am
Who let more illegals in during their term?..trump vs biden/kamala I'll wait...
-Pretty lady -Decent on the issues -Horrible to have to listen to her speak The had a dual panel the other night with Britt and Noem, and she made Noem look like a Rhodes scholar...
I love a good conspiracy as much as the next guy... But is it really that hard to believe that this current administration would appoint an incompetent woman, who was also not qualified, to head the most important security detail on earth? Back up a bit and you'll see...there is nothing surpri...
[quote]That’s not true. He draws more conservatives than libs. Stein and West are drawing entirely from libs[/quote] No. Look at state polls that include 3rd party vs no 3rd party. It's is almost exactly 50/50 split between drawing from Biden and trump...
Yeah! You stay strong Joe! You're doing a great job...
Hmm...polls aren't showing any "real problems". No one cares about VP. You're about to lose....big. I know it hurts. But it's going to hurt worse than you think it is. ...
[quote]What’s your favorite then?[/quote] A time for choosing Day of infamy Tear down this wall Winston Churchill fightem on the beaches etc I like Trump and more pumped than ever to vote for him, but I've never loved his speech delivery. Half of this one was awesome and half was very...
[quote]Trump won California.[/quote]this could be a major landslide and Trump still wouldn't win California, hawaii, mass, Delaware or Vermont....
[quote]Why are these democrats attacking our democracy and disenfranchising the voice of millions of democrat voters who voted for Biden in the primaries??[/quote]this It's one thing to 25th him and say he's unfit to serve. But that's not even what they're saying anymore. It's solely because t...
This may be the most shockingly incompetent thing I've ever heard. ...
[quote]—62 mins elapsed between the time the shooter was photographed as being suspicious and when he fired the shots[/quote]if this was when he had the range finder, i get thats not going to draw full skepticism. [quote]—20 mins elapsed between the time he was spotted by snipers & when he fired ...
mike baker is the ultimately government shill...he thinks FBI, CIA, SS can do no wrong not sure why he has a platform...
[quote]make Trump a 'martyr.'[/quote]he is, by definition, a martyr. You don't have to make him one...

re: Poll Comparison from 2020

Posted by SportTiger1 on 7/17/24 at 12:24 pm
I've thought about the 2020 poll discrepancy and if it could be applied to current polling. But I think in 2020 it was uncool or uncouth to poll in favor of Trump. That's not necessarily the case this election. It's a much more acceptable position to take. There may be some +Trump polling err...
[quote]There was the report that it was glass that cut his ear. You can’t tell by watching the video[/quote]photo right above your post...look at it...