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And John Kirby said today he hopes that there will be fair elections. We dems learned their strategy from the Venezuelan elections :rotflmao:...
There’s to much crazy shite going on around the world I suspect something is break before the election. China and Russia getting more and more brazen with their taunts to the US. They know our country is as weak as we have ever been. ...
They always talk about doing things for the good of the country. Setup a debate with one person from FOX and one from any other MSM. You know for the good of the country thing ...
[quote]Kamala is smarter than Maxine[/quote] This I agree with. But then again if a person is breathing they are smarter than Maxine Waters...
Even the dumbest person can see something is fishy. I’m pretty sure that the USSS employees are some of the best trained in what they do. To have as many issues of things they didn’t do that goes against all their training makes you wonder...
When every talking head on TV is saying this it must mean that the majority of people are just the opposite ...
I don’t know who this woman is but she is interviewing her grandpa. I stumbled across this YouTube video by accident . [link=(https://youtu.be/BL0DsgFTrvE?si=OnhySoW_duXuNppq)]Grandpa educating his niece [/link] ...
[quote]Butler County snipers[/quote] Neither one of them was a sniper. They were there providing overlook looking out of window to see if they could spot the so called person of interest but they left their position to go search for the looser. This entire event was not protected like it should h...
They have been reported to be registered as republicans. She would be the first republican I have ever seen still wearing a mask...
I just was watching Representative Byron Daniels being interviewed on Newsmax. The host asked him if he had anything new to report on. He said he is hearing some things being mentioned and he said there has been new information but until he can verify it he didn’t want to talk about it. ...

re: Here come the Race Riots

Posted by Miketheseventh on 7/22/24 at 6:49 pm
I just watched the news and they were talking about that incident. That was the first thing that came to mind when I saw it ...

Ms. Norton

Posted by Miketheseventh on 7/22/24 at 9:48 am
It’s evident what the dems strategy is. This is going to be an another push for more gun control. ...
I always thought to be called a mass shooting more than one person had to be killed. So Raskins is going to turn this into another push for more gun control laws. Even though the shooter took his father’s gun without his permission ...
[quote]Will you finally be convinced?[/quote] Yes I will. I will be convinced that we will never have fair elections again. ...

re: White working class men

Posted by Miketheseventh on 7/21/24 at 8:04 pm
I wonder if she is burdened or unburdened right now ...

re: Raw Peanuts

Posted by Miketheseventh on 7/21/24 at 4:31 pm
One sack weighs 30 pounds. If you can wait the jumbos will be coming out in the not too distant future. That’s all I boil ...

re: Biden/Covid

Posted by Miketheseventh on 7/21/24 at 11:25 am
[quote]If an elder statesman like Joe Biden, at his age, survives this debilitating disease, then he will have proven to me that he has the Right Stuff, and should be our nominee.[/quote] I agree. We need another 3.5 months of watching a demented old man completely making a fool of himself. It real...
[quote]dangerous offenders are apprehended[/quote] And then released with no bail to go out and rape more people. Until the residents of NYC elect politicians that believe in law and order it will probably get worse. I say let them enjoy what they voted for ...