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re: McCabe is Trump's saving grace

Posted by RachelC on 5/16/17 at 10:58 pm
I still don't understand why Flynn was fired. Maybe for optics, but certainly not because he didn't anything wrong. If Russia asked about sanctions, doesn't mean he offered to lift them! I don't see anything illegal here....
Not really. Leftists are conformists and establishment tools. They will be submitting. They already are....
You idiots think you get to have your way all the time, like spoiled little children. More than half the country disagrees with your Marxist self....
They disgust me. I've never seen anything like it. Totally unhinged. Liberalism is clearly a mental disorder....
And why didn't the robber even take his laptop? The cops took it and we never heard about it since. Definitely a hit job....
The Clinton Crime Family and the Clinton Body Count are not new concepts. They've been implicated in mysterious deaths and crimes since the 90's....
The guy has so MANY names.... Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Soetoro, Azzhole....
No, your post was incorrect. Lots of us call him Hussein...and I call him a lot of bad names too. His initials should be POS...
OK let's refer to Barry as "H"..which also stands for homosexual, heroin, handjob....