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Location:Baton Rouge
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Registered on:12/31/2016
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re: My neighbor is a cuck

Posted by USAFTiger42 on 7/26/24 at 3:41 pm
How big is their yard? My yard a pretty small so every once in a while I get someone to cut mine if I get busy. Like if I have reserve weekend and it was rainy before I left I'll get it cut. I'll say at least their yard is cut because one of my neighbors I swear it's a rental property because tha...
If that happens that's the best thing for any Republican candidate. Everyone knows 3rd party always fricks the R's more than the D's....
Not only that but Trump's video clearly got throttled intentionally...

re: Vlad The Impaler gearing up

Posted by USAFTiger42 on 7/25/24 at 4:14 pm
Sounds like a shoe is about to drop soon...
I'd say Reddit because it seems to have a much larger volume...
100% just like blank check. Just missing the date...
Can they just take a long nap and save us all if they are so pissed at everything ...
There's some crazy Hooligans/Ultras there. Need to make quick work of these asshats...

re: Gimme the EA CFB 25 LSU report

Posted by USAFTiger42 on 7/23/24 at 11:43 pm
Neither. The adaptive AI is like playing the computer that knows what your move is based on what you call. It is freaky. You have to have football knowledge to be decent. You can't cheese like you could in madden. I'm good at calling defense and few times the AI has baited me into calling a blitz an...
Guess you can ask them about their weiner...mobile...
With how this shite happens every election season I feel for the family that grieving but I don't give a frick....
Sometimes you try to be funny to break up business and you mess up. Not a big deal especially if Ms Cackles the president nominee. ...

re: Most TDS are morons

Posted by USAFTiger42 on 7/22/24 at 9:37 pm
They sound like a toddler repeating what their teacher said while not understanding the core facts or knowledge of what they are discussing....

re: Most TDS are morons

Posted by USAFTiger42 on 7/22/24 at 9:28 pm
I understand each side can make the other look like the devil and they are great at it. Problem is a little research in each and you can figure out an answer quickly or get an idea. Both Biden and Trump have their problems the difference is one was mostly a civilian and the other used the clout of t...
I appreciate him being vague because he knows he gained support after that attempt so he doesn't want to frick that up....
She might be forced to grab either Gretchen or Shapiro...

re: Taking bets on a nap

Posted by USAFTiger42 on 7/22/24 at 5:47 pm
This is weird. I hope I'm wrong but this is some long nap type shite going on. At least be honest with his health we all saw he wasn't the healthiest a month ago....
My flag has been down since 2020 lol...
This I have relatives who are extremely Democrat to the point where saying limit the government is a curse word. That and TDS and these fricking retards will just fall off a cliff if they were told to by daddy government....

re: It's Newsom / Whitmer

Posted by USAFTiger42 on 7/21/24 at 6:27 pm
Nah Shapiro/Whitmer to keep the swing states...