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Registered on:10/14/2016
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Todd: Where do you think you are going to put a tree that big Griswold? Clark: Bend over and I'll show you. Todd: You've got a lot of nerve talking to me like that Griswold. Clark: I wasn't talking to you. Margot: Why is the carpet all wet Todd! Todd: I don't know Margot!...
Thank you for the help. In your opinion, do you think a first time PC gamer should build or buy a pre-built PC? I'm not so much concerned with the building aspect as I am with starting off on the right foot at a decent price point....
I've recently gotten the itch to get into PC gaming and want to try and build my own. I have been doing some research on it but get lost in the technical aspects of it all. I put together a [link=(http://pcpartpicker.com/list/3CzsKZ)]PCPartPicker[/link] list that roughly fits my price range. I'm not...