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Registered on:3/21/2016
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Bought a bag of Cheetos at walmart that was $6.00. Wtf....
Ask him why the Tide still runs out Milroe when he clearly sucks....
Ive done shiplap ceilings but to keep it flush and straight i would put runners about 16" apart to nail the shiplap to. Atleast thats what i did using pine not mdf. Turned out good....
Post of the decade. Very accurate. The Funbunch mention really let me know your paying attention. [quote]meh he is still the KING OF CUCKS here not even close per his past history and postings we have receipts on. ( CUCK POWER RANKINGS INDEX) CPRI 1) cuckcucktomichigan -no comment n...
I mean this isnt a stretch. Milroe sucks and the defense is non existent. We lost to Vandy. Youre not making an earth shattering prediction here....
That commercial from the late 80s where the kid is smokin pot and the dad screams at him and he said he learned it from him. Classic....
[quote]Is Disney Bad at Star Wars?[/quote] [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/LoVkKV4OEx6U3aq_j_Tgc_dHHVO785Y3efgeE8WHDfQ/rs:fit:860:0:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9naWZk/Yi5jb20vaW1hZ2Vz/L2hpZ2gvZGFycmVu/LWNyaXNzLXVoLXll/YWgtbWtyM2dnYmt4/bDUwenlqbS5naWY.gif[/img]...
[quote]First off I highly recommend no Bama fans do this as you may very well catch the AIDS[/quote] This is why I dont watch LSU games! ...

re: Virginia Tech got robbed

Posted by AtticusOSullivan on 9/27/24 at 10:37 pm
Total BS. Dude had control when he hit the endzone. Thats a TD brotha. ACC called that one in....

Get him to the Greek

Posted by AtticusOSullivan on 9/26/24 at 8:21 pm
P Diddys best performance, fat Jonah Hill as well as Russell Brand performing the GOAT African Child. It was an instant classic.[img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/Od4P5DXs4NsAAAAC/get-him-to-the-greek-p-diddy.gif[/img] [img]https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Russell-Brand...
Team Zack. Slater was a douche....
Im your uncle...................... ........................................................................... .. ..........Argyle....
Honestly didnt read anything. Saw who posted it and downvoted straight away due to the poster being a known moron. ...