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Registered on:3/13/2016
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Corbello? Our Friday night starter? Who ever in the right mind would say something like that? She may never see an sec start again. ...
Don't really have an opinion on her dad. Other than he's a Twitter troll. And he coached the Mustangs in Kansas. She had a good year last year. But she isn't a lead of batter. Doesn't have the OBP. ...
Who did I say I wanted to transfer again? I think you misread that there buddy. ...
Over/under 5 the number of hits Griggs gets the rest of the season?...
It's not trolling. It's my opinion. I love these girls, just think we have way too much talent to be playing the way we have been as of late. ...
Griggs... Whiffs. She is on fire in SEC PLAY...
Speaking of ridiculousness... Tigerbait55. ...
Bourg? Sanchez? 2nd base, anyone? It's about that time. ...
Kloss caught the first inning, I do believe. ...
I have nothing against her father. he seems nice. but the fact still remains that griggs is struggling and needs to be DP'd for....
Her daddy is Bffs with Howard. she needs to find the bench soon...
Finally they move Griggs down in the batting order. Love this lineup. Hopefully soon Beth will DP for her. ...
His team was horrible this year. And his 3 best players are gone. What makes you think next year is gonna be any better?...
And be careful mentioning anything bad or constructively obvious about some of the players. Their dad might troll you on Twitter. ...