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Registered on:11/19/2015
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re: How will you remember CLM?

Posted by Siya on 11/21/15 at 10:05 am
I remember him as an overpaid buffoon that benefited from a goldmine of homegrown talent combined with the new modern era of NCAA compliance that prevented Rust Belt schools from luring our superior in state talent away with sacks of cash....
We can't develop them. It's not that we ONLY run the ball, it's just that we don't decide to pass it until we've lost a couple times and it's too late in the season to develop a passing game....

re: Mods- why was this thread anchored?

Posted by Siya on 11/20/15 at 2:47 pm
[quote]16 replies in over an hour isn't a lot fwiw.[/quote] Enough to indicate a board interest in the thread anyway....

re: Mods- why was this thread anchored?

Posted by Siya on 11/20/15 at 2:45 pm
[quote]Did you create this account just to argue about Miles leaving? [/quote] Yes. This is the biggest topic of conversation in LSU Football in over a decade. Is it so surprising that this would be the catalyst for me joining the site? [quote]Also, your thread on the Tiger Rant would probab...
[img]http://i.imgur.com/6sFkPXr.jpg[/img] [link=(http://www.nola.com/lsu/index.ssf/2015/11/is_it_time_for_lsu_to_part_way.html)]LINK[/link] ...
Because 60% of the fan base wants him gone, per the Times Picauyne....

re: Mods- why was this thread anchored?

Posted by Siya on 11/20/15 at 12:23 pm
Suck how? It received a lot of replies from people who were genuinely interested in discussing the topic in a very short period of time. If you didn't like it, you didn't have to participate. The thread wasn't breaking any rules....

Mods- why was this thread anchored?

Posted by Siya on 11/20/15 at 11:59 am
[quote]so you throw out some schools although you honestly have no idea ....then proclaim that "that says it all" based on some schools that you through out there even though you really don't have any idea. [/quote] I 've followed CFB for a long time and I have friends who are alumni of all the m...
[quote]I simply reject your premise. Miles is coming to the end of his coaching career. Everyone knows this. Teams looking for coaches are generally on a multi-year plan of building the program. It's just a very poor way of evaluating the worth of Miles as it relates to LSU.[/quote] Sorry...
I'm tired of hearing people say "I know he has sucked lately, but we can't find anyone better." My response to this is--how are you gaging his value exactly? I am a capitalist, so I evaluate the worth of goods and services based on how much the market wants it. So I pose to you the follow...