Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Upper 40
Number of Posts:3853
Registered on:1/9/2004
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[quote]X took down the post. WTF[/quote] The X post was taken down because it was determined to be fake. This happens with every school shooting. False theories come out that attempt to explain the shooters motive. People jump on this misinformation. A good guideline is to wait weeks afte...
[quote]Here’s a few things that are likely: Medicated by psychotropics Male (98%) Early childhood trauma Suicidality history I’d guess you could add: violent video game usage Unsupervised internet access Hardcore Porn consumption[/quote] You posted scant information to attempt to show we know a ...
I don’t ever take a position on guns when these school shootings occur. I always focus on the perp. I always prefer that the perp is caught so we can learn more about him. If the death penalty follows so be we. We don’t have a good understanding of mass shooters. I strongly object to the beli...

re: The Dems are moving too fast

Posted by NorthTiger on 7/21/24 at 9:07 pm
She’s raised $47M in 7 hours so i guess you can say her fund raising is moving too fast. ...
[quote]What part of thy shall not kill, steal, lie, is difficult for a teacher to discuss[/quote] First off, young children are only capable of concrete thinking. Black and white thinking. So when little Johnny asks the teacher: Does hunting make God mad? or Should we not kill a mosquito? Go ahea...
I am making one assumption. The classroom is a learning environment where we would encourage the asking of questions. I get not just any question should be allowed but certainly any question about the subject matter or anything a teacher has on the wall. When a child asks a question about the me...
Only a Memory may be my favorite but when i’ve played Crazy Mixed Up Kid i’ve had people ask if i’d change it. I don’t get tired of either. Add A Girl Like You and those are my top three songs. ...
I love that keyboard riff on Heartbreak Beat. Richard Butler is one of those few British singers who doesn’t lose his British accent when he sings. ...
[quote]believe that the FF made a mistake by declaring a jury trial an inalienable right. I don't believe that anything can be an inalienable right that requires compelling someone else's labor in order for you to exercise it. And that's reason #1 that I am a proponent of professional juries.[/quo...
[quote]I hope you had the balls to stick it to the hospital[/quote] The first time we voted me and 7 other jurors voted to find the hospital negligent. We needed one more vote. We talked for 10 minutes, nothing substantive was said except the minister in the room said he was changing his vote...
It was a very tiring job. One reason it was so tiring is because I felt the need to hear every word. My experience was that i was hyper focused. I picked up on how the judge reacted, who was in the courtroom and the behavior of the defendant. I was focused on everything going on. All of that to ...
I want an expansion in Social Security. Here’s why. I spent a career working in the public sector so i get my full retirement. In Louisiana, public employees don’t pay into SS. BUT, I also worked a second job throughout my career where i did pay into SS. Lousiana is one of 13 states where if you ...
Go ahead and finish your list so that you include everybody who doesn’t think like you. ...
I’ll never know because i won’t give a dime to Trump supporting Lowe’s....
I thought the Republican Gov would want less intrusion by the government. Mulkey has always taken her team into the locker room at the 12:00 mark. Suddenly, when this becomes a national scandal Landry wants to appear like a white night. If he gets his way how does he plan on changing the ban...

re: Get On The Train Or Hate America

Posted by NorthTiger on 1/21/24 at 2:57 pm
[quote]I don’t care what you have to say about it. It’s simple facts[/quote] Learn the difference between a fact and an opinion. ...
Please let there be a Trump/Desantis ticket. They are a lot alike. As a Never Trumper I’d be more concerned if he picked a heathy, stable person as his running mate. Now that i think about it, nobody like that would dare associate themselves with Trump as a VP....
I’ve always been a “if you build it they will come” believer is program building. We’ll never know the answer to my question. I don’t believe we win the 2003 or 2007 titles without him so i’m thinking we may onky have that one without Sabans swing through Baton Rouge. ...
You do realize that Saban didn’t take over after The Bear. ...
As a lifelong LSU fan i can honestly say ive never lost respect for him. It the bandwagon Bama fans who have been insufferable. ...