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Registered on:12/27/2014
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[embed]https://x.com/Joelmpetlin/status/1814273622648729735[/embed] [quote]WaPo deleted this disgusting Tweet, but it was a pull quote that's still in the story. They're actually attacking the parents of an American hostage held by Hamas for 287 days. @wapo owes the Neutra family an apolog...
I haven't heard Vance speak much, but I will rectify that soon. The VP debate should be fun. (It won't be as fun as a Harris/Ramaswamy debate because Vivek would eat her alive and spit out the bones.) I don't know much about Vance's temperament, either. ...
Ugh! I can actually smell that picture....


Posted by CrimsonJazz on 5/20/24 at 2:52 pm
Already posted....

re: How can Biden debate Trump?

Posted by CrimsonJazz on 5/16/24 at 8:58 am
They will give him a double-shot of Adderall and when he has a heart attack on stage, they will finally be rid of him and they will blame Trump for it....
[quote]The CNN thing is definitely no bueno. They're going to district him with J6/election denial garbage and cut him off when he makes any good points.[/quote] Correct, but if he can hold his shite together and maybe even "laugh it off" then a good many Americans will see it for what it is. The...
CNN's ratings have been in the shitter for some time now. Desperation can cause all sorts of bizarre things, but I don't believe for one second that CNN is shifting right. ...
Problem is, Joe Biden (a.k.a. Adolf Shitler) was pushing draconian mandates and no one should be allowed to forget this. I think the mainstream understands that this can't be walled in forever, so get it out of the way before it gets too close to November. I'm pretty convinced that's the game they...
shite like this is why it's taking so long to get the next ES game. I'm sitting here waiting to give these assholes my money and they just keep jacking off with updates no one asked for....
[quote]Looks like it was good to get rid of Rona McRomney.[/quote] It also looks like a good idea to audit those books. I mean, what the hell has she been DOING? ...
[quote]you're stupid.. you're dumb you shouldn't be allowed to drive a car by yourself you are what's wrong with America you and the same side of it that repeats MSNBS or Jimmy Kimmel jokes[/quote] What the frick did I just read?...
I want to share this; does anybody have a link?...
[quote]I don’t expect this to play well with actual independents.[/quote] Or really anybody with a fricking brain....
Democracy is a threat to democracy. -- Dumbass Dems...
[quote]The lawsuits and court decisions never stop. Needless to say 3 days before the election the PA supreme court will overrule this, giving virtually no time to appeal properly.[/quote] True, but before laying all the blame on the judiciary, lets also remember how many worthless state legislat...
[quote]Ship fuel doesn’t melt steel.[/quote] Heh, well done....
Does anybody know if we're sending foreign aid to these assholes? If we are, I can think of at least one way to get this clown's attention (and cooperation.)...
[quote]Because it's a guest editorial from a conservative.[/quote] I'm a libertarian, so what's your second guess?...
This is easily one of the best editorials I've ever read and it is absolutely spot on. Trump supporters really should appreciate Dems more than they do because Dems are so fricking stupid, they are literally helping their enemy in his campaign. It is truly fascinating to watch....