Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:1333
Registered on:12/9/2014
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re: Any flips our way on NSD?

Posted by Biggmatt78 on 12/2/24 at 4:24 pm
Meadows is gone. Tyler isn’t

re: Get. Arch Manning

Posted by Biggmatt78 on 11/21/24 at 8:12 pm
Technically there has been rumors ewers is coming back

re: NIL is ruining college football

Posted by Biggmatt78 on 11/21/24 at 6:12 pm
LSU was ruined after the 2019 season. BK just didn’t fix it.
Believe sheerin is in a long brace in the latest LSU baseball video of the players arriving for day one
I’d imagine we’d still have him at some point during the season or is knee surgery take a year to recover for a pitcher
Tore something in his knee. I hope it’s not true but the guy who told me knows some of the players on the team
Some rumors of sheerin hurt himself playing basketball
Idk if anybody else watched or listened but William Schmidt was on Mik’d up tonight and I think he said bear should be back
Yo project I just went to PG who’s Austin McCormack. Shows him as a commit never heard of him before
That scout knows what he’s taking about man. Dude named Benny from down south. Dodgers scout
All good no need to apologize for anything
Herring probably has more impact being a candidate as a Friday starter. But losing jones power is hard to replace
Fully not expecting him to be a tiger but he’s not as for sure gone as some of yall seem to think. And this is coming from a dodgers scout from a Twitter spaces.
Joe Doyle’s latest mock has Schmidt falling past pick 39
Noot has a long ways to go to be considered In any plans